Chapter 1

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Obito began running towards Naruto in order to stand in front of the blonde Uzumaki and take the hit. He was ready to die for his new comrade, as he believed that the only one who could save this world was Naruto.

The elder Uchiha made his way closer to his destination, Kakashi also on his way to defend his old student; Sasuke.

But, Obito didn't want that. He knew that if anyone should live, it should be Kakashi. He knew that the man was needed, more so than himself; who was nothing but a failure in the end. This was something he felt he could do right.

By dying and protecting the Child of Prophecy, he could only hope it would cover his mistakes and atone him of his sins. Plus, he wanted to be alone with his childhood love, Rin. He didn't want Kakashi to ruin his chance to be alone with her.

Unfortunately for him, Kaguya had anticipated his and Kakashi's intentions. While Obito was able to use his Kamui to remove the All Killing Ash Bone headed towards Kakashi, Kaguya didn't want Obito to succeed with whatever she thought he was trying to do. So she sent him to another dimension in the hopes to separate him from the others, as he was becoming a problem for her.

However, the place that she sent the Uchiha didn't have chakra. And so, her certain-kill technique lost its potency as it impaled the male in his abdomen. Said male was too disoriented to understand what was going on as he fell through the dimensional rift.

Meanwhile, as you drive home to take a long hot shower and a refreshing nap, you can't help but think about the day you had. You have been working at a local restaurant for about three months now on the day shift.

You had made a lot of new friends that you liked to go out drinking with on occasion, usually after a long day like this just to talk about it. But, today was different. Today you felt like going home and just having time to yourself. You had a lot to think about and just needed a different way to relieve stress.

One of the things that was currently bothering you was that your boss had told you that he had feelings for you and asked you to go out on a date. When you had told him you didn't feel the same and wanted to be friends, he said he accepted that and respected your wishes. However, a couple of weeks later, the man started to joke flirtatiously again.

When you asked him to stop, he became irritated and claimed that you two could no longer be friends as that was not professional. Confused, you just nodded your head and went back to work taking customers orders and bringing out their food.

After you parked your car in front of your apartment, you decided against checking the mail right away. You went inside and headed straight for the bathroom. Stripping off your work uniform, you turned the shower on and made sure it was hot enough to be relaxing. Then, after you finished washing up, you went to your room to dress in light pajamas; a tank top and shorts. You then flopped down on your bed and went to sleep.

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