It's the Letters.

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These two got away from me 🙄


     Crawling back under the thick hotel sheets after brushing my teeth makes me realize just how long it's been since we've woken up next to each other. Usually, I'm up before he is, leaving for my classes, or he's out late at night working on a case or hanging out with his friends. I guess I miss our little bondings we had in the morning. Being able to see Carson asleep, and peek at his tattoos again intrigued me.

     So I snuggle up next to him, smiling when he shifts to pull me closer. I lay my head on his bare chest and try to focus on the ink on his skin. There was nothing on his upper body except for one little, black inked date in Roman numerals on the left side of his abdomen.


     There was a cleat underneath it, black with red spikes. Of course he needs something baseball related on his body. I glance up at his face. I want to know what those hearts behind his ears are there for. His lips are parted slightly as he softly snores, deep in sleep. My heart beats in a strange rhythm thinking about last night. He was so sweet to me, buying me dinner. And telling me about his trigger for drinking? I couldn't be any prouder than I was.

     I was as proud as I was murderous. If he ever slips up and gives me a name and identification, I'd just...go batshit. I sigh lightly, leaning up to kiss him on his soft lips. He doesn't even move, lazy oaf. He would probably never go into detail about her, but it's okay. As long as he's not having insane trauma over it, I'm happy.

     Oh my god and the strawberries and bubble bath, I could've cried in the tub. My excitement was through the roof. I've never ever done anything like that. He has messed up because I will now be spending my weekends soaking in bubbles and eating chocolate and fruit. Who knew he could be so sweet? I kiss his shoulder, and then his left pec, and then his chin and neck. He stirs lightly, but doesn't wake up.

     I want to show him how appreciative I am about last night. Those kisses...Jesus, those kisses made me burn so bad, I was a bubbling, sloshy, emotional mess as he kissed me because it felt so much different than any other kisses we've shared. It was a kiss that made my insides weak, and my heart stutter even more as I was already crying because of how many different emotions I was feeling. I was livid, and so so proud, but I was also feeling...I don't want to say it. I can't say it that's too...we're not even together I can't no.

     Let's just say, I so desperately wanted to make him come so freaking hard because the way he would feel just before he explodes is the way my heart had felt when he kissed me how he did. It was as if everything started to click. The way he can be so cruel, so nasty without shame. Jumping to conclusions and assuming the worst of me when all I've been was authentic. I can bite back and hold my own when attacked, but the tears he made surface every time he hurt me were real.

     He didn't get it, couldn't understand that I'm the way I am because I care, and I hurt, and I don't have bad intentions being around him. My end goal isn't to rip him up inside and leave him to bleed out. And now I realize every little dig was for one, his character because he can be pretty fire tongued, but also a defense mechanism. Girls like to leech off of him, use him, whether it be for sex, or the same way guys use him for girls, his Dean using him for his knowledge, and the team using him for his ability.

     Who is actually being around him, just to be around him? I guess you can only narrow it down to those that know the most about him. His family and Ryker. I only hope that I can be added to that small list.

     I want to make him come.

Rapid topic switch, Raine, pull it together.

     But I I keep my eyes focused on his face as I trail my finger over his lips, down his chin and his neck. I'm going to mark him. I change direction, going to the left side of his throat right below his jaw. Exactly where he can't cover it with anything but makeup, and that's if I let him borrow mine. I smirk. He couldn't borrow mine if he wanted to. My melanin count is higher.

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