The Bros.

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     God, she smelled like rosewater.

     Turning off the shower water, I pushed open the curtains and stepped out of her tub that was a little too small for me. The shower head was basically spitting water at my chest, so that made for some fun having to bend down in order to wash my hair. Even her soaps and shampoos from her childhood home smelled like her. That goddamn rosewater. I groan, drying off my body with one of her towels before grabbing another and wrapping it around my waist.

     I blanch at the girly flower pattern hugging my lower half, stopping mid thigh. It's like everything is toy-sized in here. Her petite shower, and the towels that are about a square of fabric bigger than a washcloth, her small vanity, the mirror showing my chest - not my face, and maybe it's just me being dramatic, but I swear if I had to piss I'd have to squat. No man's aim is that good.

     Overall it's cute. And it's like her. Not baseball playing Carter. This seems like what cute little Raine would've loved back then. Everything just screamed inner her, not that tough persona she puts on in front of the guys. Bending down in the mirror a little, I blushed a bit seeing how ridiculous I looked, and my cheeks only got more red when I realized I didn't have spare clothes. I left all my shit with Hunter.


     My eyes drift over her counter, and my lips pull up into a shy grin as I take in all that's her. Wow, she's such a freak. I eye it, the freaking metal dildo with some bedazzle glam shit on the bottom. I arch a brow, reaching out and letting my finger glide over it, imagining just how many times that had been inside her. How long has it had the privilege to feel her smooth, inner paradise. Lucky dick.

     Looking at myself in the mirror, I brush my thumb over the bruise that you can't even tell is there anymore. I hit my head hard that day, but that was nothing in comparison of what Carter's eye looked like. I grimace. She looked hella tough the day after, and I can't lie and say it didn't turn me the fuck on. She hides it well though, covering it with makeup, but I see her at night when I'm occasionally looking at her for a moment too long. It's dark, but it's a smaller bruise now, on her cheekbone where I would assume my knee did the most damage.

     Sometimes I've brushed my thumb over it while she was sleeping, mumbling apologies. Sometimes I battled with myself and let my spiteful side take over. A part of me felt no remorse because she deserved it after ruining my career, but a bigger - much bigger - part of me felt horrible because I think back to that moment where she broke down because she felt like she looked less than gorgeous.

     I meant it when I called her beautiful.

     She is, absolute perfection. Hand crafted by God and brought down to torture everything with a Y chromosome. I don't know why I decided to be a dick, I guess I'm just programmed that way. I had to tease her a bit. I didn't actually know she was hellbent on figuring out if I had damaged her image or not. Running my fingers through my hair, I stood up y'all and prepared myself to get taunted by her since I was in this stupid pink towel of hers, but exiting the bathroom, I wasn't exactly expecting to see a big motherfucker leaning against her door with his arms crossed over his chest.

     Whatever she was saying didn't matter anymore because she gasped when her eyes flickered over to me, and she blushed. Isn't that cute. I bite my lip to keep from smiling at her shyness. This girl has seen all of me, yet she blushes, seeing me in a towel. She clears her throat, "Uh..."

     The big motherfucker just looks at me as if I was a target of his. He was big, but I was sure I'd be able to stand a chance against him if he were to try to rush me. I got him by an inch or three, but he seems to be my weight, if not bigger. Weight always looks heavier on shorter people. I glance at Carter, looking at her thighs that are now exposed because she took off her uniform, and is left in black spandex and a t-shirt. The big guy tears my attention away from the legs that's brought me to a semi.

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