Let's Try It.

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It was only half way through the lesson that I realized I didn't understand what my professor was saying. The reason why? I've been watching his hand move across the notebook projected onto the big board, listening to his normally monotonous voice tell us about social cognition. But my mind was insistent on replaying last night.

I had hit a home run.

If that was during a game, I would've shocked the entire crowd. I would've called my mom and ranted to her, practically screaming about how I finally did it. I hit a home run. And I owe it all to the man sitting next to me, looking sexily drowsy.

His brown hair was messy, ruffled as if he had rolled out of bed and threw on clothes, not bothering to complete his hygienic routine. There were dark circles under his pretty grey eyes, his eyelashes on the lower lid were making his eyes look even darker. The poor kid was tired, but he still managed to look good. He still looked good enough to have girls falling over him, hanging on to every 'charming' word he said until he got them where he wanted them.

He's a manipulator. That, was something I'd never seen in action. That being Carson's magnificent ability to be as blunt as he wants to be with any female, and still manage to keep them happy, keep them pining after him. Stupid, athletic dick.

     This is how I figured this out:

45 Minutes before Class.

Man, that pee was great.

Pushing open the door of the bathroom, I felt more than relived. I had way too much lemonade after that mind-blowing home run and kiss that happened yesterday.

     Class starts in ten minutes, and I do not want Mr. Chute to lock me out again. I've made sure that I was on time every time I had his class, which means I was early.

Because if you're early, you're on time. If you're on time, you're late, and if you're late...well, I'm sure you know the rest.

     When I rounded the corner, my eyes spotted the man that's been on my mind for over ten hours, talking to a female, what's new? I must've missed the beginning of their conversation, through, because his first sentence is not what I thought he would've said.

     "...I could think of a million breathtaking things you can do with those," his hand came up to catch her off guard, to touch her lightly, make her flustered, but I heard the smack before I saw her hand slap his away from her body.

     I smirked, this was going to be good. "Curse somebody out is one thing these lips can do, and it will blow your mind." She shot back, causing his eyebrows to raise. Bet he's never had anybody other than me to give him sass like that. "Are you done sexualizing me?" She blinked, annoyance thick in her tone. He was not doing good.

     By the look of his face, I knew he was about to turn on his charm. "Alright, okay," he holds his hands up, playing innocent. "I was just trying to tell you you're beautiful, that's all. The sexualizing is me acting on your beauty." My eyes narrow at his bullshit. Though, she is a beautiful girl.

     Her eyes narrowed, too, "Look, I didn't come here to 'haha' 'hehe' and 'akeke' with you little frat boys—"

     "Frat boys?" His grey eyes widened, his jaw dropping. I bit my lip to keep from laughing.

     "You're telling me you're not one of those guys that initiate the freshman by bending them over and—" she started, clearly getting back at him for sexualizing her. Sheesh, I wish I wasn't peeing so I could hear what he said to her—it couldn't have been light.

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