Same Bed?

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     Carson and I trailed behind the security guard that was swaying her hips each time she took a step, leading us through the vacant hallways of the campus. The only sounds that were echoing around us were our suitcase wheels rolling across the floors, and the footsteps of my slides, Carson's vans, and the security guard's boots.

I don't think I've ever seen kids being escorted across campus by a security guard before, but hell at our school, I guess anything can happen. I curse when my foot catches on Carson's, causing me to stumble. Glancing up at him, I find a smirk tugging on his lips; he freaking tripped me.

She lead us through A hall—the hallway that bridges the 'sleeping quarters' as they like to call it, from the administration facility. There were a number of pictures along the bricked wall; pictures of our staff, and achievements they've made throughout their years of working. Carson snorted at the not so pretty picture of Miss Abby.

The bricks soon turned to glass as we entered the building that all the great and sucky administrators practically lived, hence the glass walls. They wanted to see the stars at night, while also finding a way to tan during the day. Some workers that already felt like they were tan enough grumbled about it, so certain sections of the ceiling were filled in with tile in order to please everyone. It's actually pretty sick.

I looked up at what would be the stars since it was about two in the morning. The sky was gorgeous, numerous stars were out, glittering, while the moon was shining brightly, casting a pretty glow over the school. The administrators didn't even want the lights on because it was so pretty, so the hallways were dark, but illuminated by our moon.

The guard made a left, and we found ourselves making weird turns for the rest of the journey since everyone's office was so close to each other. It felt like we were walking around in squares, but nevertheless, we arrived. Thank God because I don't know how much more walking my exhausted muscles will take before I pass out on the floor. Also, there's that weird feeling you have when you know you're wet, and you can't take a freaking shower until God knows when. It was safe to say, I was walking with a grimace, but when I looked back at Carson and saw that he was still sporting a huge one, I found myself smiling.

Then I got tripped again.

"Go straight down that hallway to Kolodziejski." She points forcefully down the long hallway to the door that had a name tag sticking out from the top of the ledge, reading the name that the guard just pronounced flawlessly. Meanwhile, my jaw is on the floor. Carson nudges me forward, but the guard stops us, "Leave your bags here."

     So we did just that, and found ourselves outside of this person's door. "Would you stop staring at it like it's going to open by itself, and go the fuck in?" Carson pushed me forward as I was pushing the handle down, and we both stumbled into the room due to the force at which he pushed me. We were both caught off guard, falling to the floor, and because Carson was so close to me, his legs got tangled with mine and I landed on the floor face down with a heavy man on my back.

"Fuck," he groaned, trying to get off of me as quickly as he could, his erecting digging into my ass somehow, spreading warmth to my cheeks (the ones on my face, of course). The administrator cleared their throat, just as Carson had gotten off of me, leaving me on the floor. I slowly got up, well aware of the heat on my face. Carson's steely eyes were on me, and I couldn't help but look down at the floor.

"Have a seat, you two." The man with the difficult last name pointed to the two uncomfortable looking wooden chairs in front of his equally wooden desk. Carson sat in the chair on the left, and I sat on the right side. We both scooted away from each other immediately. "Now which one of you is Carson Speros?"

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