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//Present Day//

Rachelle's P.O.V

"Oh my god, Rachelle. You look like a real life Disney princess." Marlana says once she sees me in my wedding gown. She brings her hands up to her face to try and prevent her tears from falling. 

"Thank you, Marlana. You look amazing as well." I tell her, and she rolls her eyes at me. 

"Today is about you, not me." She says, and I smile and look down. "Roman is with Austin right now, and I have to say that your prince charming looks extra handsome today." 

"He better, it is our wedding day after all." I tell her, and she laughs, shaking her head. 

"Um, so I don't want you to cry, but I got you something for today. I didn't want to give it to you at your bridal shower because it's too sentimental." Marlana tells me, and she pulls out a bracelet. "I got with your mom who gave me pictures of your Ama, and so we made you this." She hands it to me and I honestly want to cry. 

"Marlana, you didn't." I gasp, and she wraps it around my wrist. It was so beautiful and I get up and hug my best friend. "Thank you so much. This means the world to me." I tell her as she pulls back from the hug. 

"I know. I tried to think of the best thing to get you, and well, that's what I thought of. " She says, and smiles. 

"Ceremony is starting soon so I will see you out there, Mrs. Theory." She says, and gives me a wink before exiting the room. 

I look down at my bracelet and then up at the sky. "I know you're here, Ama. I love you." I whisper. 

"Ready to go kiddo?" I turn to see my dad. I nod at him, and lock my arm with his. We make our way down, and the nerves hit me. I breathe in and out because I have to focus on the fact that I was about to marry my best friend, Austin. 

I wasn't any normal bride either. I was not about to walk down the isle to "Here comes the bride" I was coming down to the star wars theme so when it started and my eyes laid on Austin's he had tears in his eyes and was smiling. 

As I make it all the way down, Austin has to wipe his tears because of how much he shed for me as I walked down the isle. "God, you are beautiful." He whispers before I step up to face him at the alter. 

"Rachelle Morgan." Austin starts with his vows. "There is not a single person on this planet who could have changed me the way that you did. You were put on this earth for me, and there is no one that can ever compare to you." He pauses to wipe his tears again. "You are my best friend, my soul mate, and so much more. I can not wait for you to be my wife, and to be the mother of my children. I love you." He finishes, and my own tears start falling. 

"Your turn, Rachelle." The minister says, and I take a deep breath. How do I follow after that?

"Austin Theory. You came into my life at the most opportune time. You've seen me at my worst, and have helped me live on more occasions then I can count. I literally don't know if I could survive without you. You have shown me what true love is, and I hope that I can return the favor each and every day. You are my sun and stars, and you know the way to my heart better than anyone I have ever known. You're my best friend, my soulmate, and most importantly, you are my savior. I love you so much, Austin and I can't wait for you to be my husband." I finish and wipe my own tears. 

"Austin Theory, do you take Rachelle Morgan to be your lawfully wedded wife, as long as you both shall live?" The minister asks Austin. 

"I do." He says confidently, and slides the ring onto my finger. 

"Rachelle Morgan, do you take Austin Theory to be your lawfully wedded husband, as long as you both shall live?" He asks me. 

"I do." I respond, and smile as I slide the ring onto Austin's finger. 

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