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Three Month's Later

Marlana's P.O.V

"Rachelle, I have known you for a very long time. We were tag team partners for the longest time too, and you decided to pull a Seth Rollins and betray me? All because you are selfish, and want to make it to the top. Well newsflash sweetheart, you can't be the best until you BEAT the best."

"I'm sorry. I have to cut you off there. You think that YOU'RE the best? That's laughable Marlana, it really is. There is only one reason why you've got this far. It's because you were latched on to me! You know you can't get the job done, and this Sunday at WrestleMania, I will show you why I will be the one to reach to the top before you."

"May the best woman win."

"May the best woman win."

When Rachelle and I make it backstage we are welcomed by Vince. "You two ladies sure do know how to put on a show. That's why I am not scared for you two to end the night Sunday."

We both thank Vince, and hug him. "Wow, that was some compliment!" Rachelle tells me. "I have to go tell Austin!"

I smile at her, and walk to the locker room, wishing that I could walk up to Roman and tell him. I pick up the phone to call him, and unfortunately he doesn't answer.

He was told a couple month's ago that he would have to stay a few more month's before he was in remission, and I had to be strong for him. He was very positive about the whole thing, and he doesn't go a day without at least texting or calling me.

I missed him with every ounce of me. I wish he could be here Sunday, but I knew he would be watching.

Roman: "Hey baby girl, sorry can't talk on the phone right now. Saw the contract signing, and you blew me away. You never cease to amaze me, and I just know that Sunday night will be memorable. I love you, and I'll be home before you know it."

I smile down at the text message before responding to him. I walk over to the couch, and sit down when I see Jon walk in behind Seth. "Hey guys. Jon, didn't expect to see you in one of these locker rooms again." I joke, and they both laugh before walking over and sitting on either side of me.

"You don't mind if we join you do you?" You look up to see Becky, and Renee.

"And us?" Austin asks, walking in with Rachelle.

"No, not at all. Party in the locker room!" I joke.

"Ladies and gentleman, please welcome, a very special guest with a update on his health, Roman Reigns." Kayla Braxton announces on the TV. 

"D-did she just say Roman?" I ask, and nobody answers but that's when I see him walk out onto the ramp. He smiles as he makes his way into the ring. "Oh my god." I whisper, and bring my hands up to my face. 

"Well they advertised it as an update, so should we get to the update?" Roman asks, and the crowd roars. "Good news is, I'm in remission, y'all." 

That's all I hear before I start sobbing into my hands. I feel two hands on my back, rubbing it up and down, and I know it's Seth and Jon. "Marlana?" I hear Rachelle's voice, and then feel her wrap her arms around me. I look up, and Rachelle smiles at me. "He's home, Marlana." I nod at her, and then put my head back down. 

I hear whispers, and then the door open and close. I felt frozen even though my feet wanted to run to him. I can smell his cologne as he squats down in front of me, and takes my shaking hands in his. His lips touch my forehead, and I feel like I am on another planet. "I'm home baby girl." He whispers against my forehead. I lift my head up to look at him, and he wipes my tears before pulling me into his arms. 

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