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//Present Day//

Rachelle's P.O.V

It wasn't real. It was a fucking dream. No, a nightmare. It felt so real. I had to get out of here, I just didn't know how. 

Come on Rachelle, Think! My heart was racing and my head was spinning. I try to untie my hands, but the knot was too tight. I look around at my surroundings and see a knife on the table.

What a fucking dumbass. I quickly scoot the chair over backwards, and grab the knife, turning it upside down, and sawing the knife through at least one side. I get my right hand free, and quickly go to work on the other an get it free. I noticed my phone on the table in the corner so I grab it and call Austin. 

"Rachelle?" He answers and I check my surroundings for chad before I talk. 

"Austin, I need you to come get me." I say and he asks me where I am, but I wasn't sure. 

"Rachelle, we have the police tracking your phone. Try to stay on a little longer okay?" Marlana says but at that moment, I hear footsteps. 

"How much longer, Marlana? I hear footsteps." I tell her and the footsteps get closer. 

"Almost there, distract him, but lay the phone down." She says and as soon as I do, he walks in and I was hidden under the table. I still have the knife in my hand and as soon as he walks over to the table, I stab him in his chin. 

He falls down and I grab the phone and take off outside. "Did you get it?" I ask Marlana, but it's quiet on the other end. "Marlana?" 

"Yeah sorry we're here, We got the address, Austin just left and we are right behind him." She says and at just that moment, Chad had made his way outside. "Hurry." I say and hang up the phone and I grab a rock that was next to me and took it, throwing it against Chad's head and he falls down to his knees. 

He gets back up and makes his way over to me, and I try to run but he catches me, bringing me to the ground and he tries to hit me, but I block him, and punch him. This of course, pisses him off so he knees me in my stomach, and more blood falls out of my mouth. 

"You're a stupid bitch!" He yells in my face and I spit at him, then kick him in between his legs, making him fall over. Austin's car pulls up, and he doesn't even shut the door before sprinting over to me. 

He cradles my face, and looks at me with worried eyes. "Are you okay?" He asks me and I nod, clutching my stomach. "Go stand by the car, please." He tells me, and I nod and make my way over as he walked over to Chad and laid a couple punches in. Chad rolled them over, but then the police came and quickly run over to Austin and Chad. They put Chad in handcuffs and Austin walks back over to me, and doesn't give me time before crashing his lips to mine. 

He pulls away slowly, and then lays my head on his chest. "I'm so sorry." He says against my head and I pick my head up and look at him. "It's not your fault, I'm just glad you're here. I missed you so much Austin." I start to cry, and he wipes the tears away, pressing his lips to mine again. 

"I will never leave you alone again. Ever." He says and kisses my forehead. He runs his hands down to my hands, and intertwines them. He leans his forehead against mine and remains silent for a few moments. 

"Sir? We need to get a statement from Miss Morgan." The cop tells Austin and he looks between me and the cop and nods, slowly letting go of my hand. "I'll wait here." He tells me and I nod and walk over to the cops to give them my statement. 

Austin's P.O.V

I stood against the car, not taking my eyes off of Rachelle when she walked over to the cops. Marlana and Roman pull up and walk over to me. "Hey. Is she okay?" Marlana asks and I nod. 

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