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//Flashback Continued//

Marlana's P.O.V

"It was because, I'm in love with you." Roman says and my breath hitches and my heart starts to pump faster.

 He was in love with me? No, he can't be. There's no way. Why would he love some girl like me?

"W-what do you mean?" I ask him and he gives me a light chuckle and throws up his hands. "I mean, I love you." He says and walks up to me, placing his hands on each side of me, "I can't stop thinking about you. When you aren't around me, I feel like I can't breathe." He confesses and I feel frozen and I'm unsure of what to do. 

"But you're married, to a beautiful woman, and I'm just me." I say and push him away. He closes the distance between us again, and lifts my chin up with his thumb and index finger.

 "Stop it. I hate it when you do that. When you talk down on your self. You are beautiful and confident and aren't afraid to be who you are." He says and steps back again, "And I know you feel something for me too. I can feel it when I'm close to you. I can hear how your breathing changes any time I touch you." " He says and walks back up to me, placing his hand on my chest. "Just like you're feeling now." He stops talking and brings his face close to mine, placing a kiss to my forehead. "Tell me I'm not crazy. Tell me you feel it too." He whispers and looks down at me with that intimate stare. I crash my lips to his and his hands fall down to my thighs. He darts his tongue through my lips and battles for dominance, and gets it.

I needed to stop, he was married and this was wrong, but his touch was intoxicating. His lips and tongue moved against mine in a way no one else's ever had before. He pulls away and looks at me. "You're not crazy." I whisper and he smiles at me, placing a kiss on my forehead. "Then be mine, Marlana." He says as he looks at me intently. 

I wanted to be his so badly, but after seeing my mother get involved with a married man, that never left his wife, I couldn't. "Roman. I'll be yours as soon as you have a finalized divorce." I tell him and his smile drops and he nods. "My mom went through the same thing, she was with a married guy who never left his wife, and I won't be like her. I'm sorry." I say and hop off the counter and walk back into my bedroom. 

"Then it's settled, the moment I come to you and tell you that I'm divorced, no bullshit, you'll be mine?" He asks and I walk up to him, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Yes, Roman. I swear." I tell him and reach up on my toes to give him another kiss. "Okay then." He says and smiles and bends down to kiss me again. I was already his, I had been his since the moment he laid eyes on me. I just hoped he would follow through with the divorce, otherwise, I would be left heartbroken, and devastated. 

//Present Day//

Rachelle's P.O.V

Each day grew easier, but I was still in a lot of pain. Today Marlana and I, had to meet with Stephanie to determine the fate of the tag titles since we knew I wouldn't be able to compete in a while with the incident. 

I would feel so bad if we had to drop them, and I hoped that Marlana wouldn't resent me for it. We were currently standing outside of Stephanie's office, and Marlana's expression was hard to read. 

"Hello girls, let's have a chat." Stephanie says, and Marlana follows me in and sits down in the chair next to me. "So, first off, Rachelle, I am extremely sorry for what happened to you. How is the recovery going?" Stephanie asks me, and Marlana looks over at me. 

"Tell her the truth, Rachelle. I won't be upset." She tells me and I nod and look back to Stephanie. 

"I'm recovering, but it is still hard to move around sometimes. I have to be light on the training and weights that I lift right now." I say and Stephanie nods. 

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