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//Flashback continued//
Austin’s P.O.V
I watched as Rachelle was sleeping on the right side of my bed. One hand still clutched to her stomach and the other laying next to her side. It had only been a few hours since we left the hospital, she could barely eat due to the pain. I wish it would have been me in this position, instead of her. I would reverse the roles in a heartbeat, but she loved me back. I was so nervous to tell her, after all the shit that we had been through.
She starts to stir in her sleep and groaned when she attempted to roll over. I think the pain medication was starting to wear off, because she had become restless through the night. She groans again and reaches out to my arm. “Austin.” She whines and I grab her hand.
“I’m right here.” I whisper and she opens her eyes to look at me. “It hurts.” She says and huffs out a frustrated sigh. I scoot myself to lay down next to her. “I know baby, I know. I wish I could take the pain away.” I say and press a kiss to her forehead, she was extremely warm. “I think you need more medicine; I’ll go get it for you.” I say and try to leave but she squeezes my arm tighter. “Don’t go.” She whispers and tears fall down her face.
“I’ll be right back, I promise.” I tell her and she looks away. “What is it?” I ask her and she shrugs her shoulders. “Rachelle, tell me.” I beg her and she looks back up at me.
“I’m afraid to be alone again.” She says to me and then looks away. I had a feeling this would happen. I knew she was just putting up a front at the hospital in front of Marlana and Roman. “Baby, I’m not going to let anyone hurt you again. I swear it.” I tell her and she nods at me. “I’m just going to the bathroom to get your medicine, because I think your fever is up again.” I tell her and she nods. I grab the medicine and bring it over to the bed. I help her sit up so she can take it, and she does, but remains sitting up. “Don’t you want to lay down?” I ask her and she shakes her head. She looks over at me with sad eyes. “What is it?” I ask her and she blushes and looks away. I lift her chin back up meet her eyes. “Tell me.” She doesn’t say anything else; she just leans forward and presses her lips to mine. I kiss her back gently, cradling her face but not pushing onto her like I normally would. I pull away and look into her eyes and she smiles. “Is that all you wanted?” I tease her and she bites her lip. “No, because I can’t do what I want to do right now, unfortunately.” She says and I smirk at her. “Don’t worry, after you heal up, I’m all yours.” I say and she laughs and blushes.
I help her lay back down and pull her close to me. She was out quick due to the medicine. I sit there for a moment, holding her and before I knew it, I was asleep.
When I woke up, Rachelle was in the bathroom, changing her gauze again. I walk up behind her and she smiles at me. “Want some help?” I ask her and she shakes her head. “You can’t wait on me hand and foot all the time.” She says and I turn her around to face me. “Well, get over it, because I’m doing it.” I tell her and she rolls her eyes.
“Don’t you have NXT tonight?” She asks me and I nod. She looks down as I finish up and I look up at her and lift her chin. “You can either go backstage with me, or I can have Marlana come over.” I tell her and she stays silent trying to think. I was nervous to hear her answer because if there is anyone else in this world, I trust to take care of her other than me, It’s Marlana. “I’ll text Marlana.” She says and walks into the room.
“Okay, maybe she will stop blowing me up then.” I say with a laugh and she turns toward me. “She’s your best friend, she’s been asking for updates.” I tell her and she nods.
I was getting ready to leave for work and Rachelle walks up to me. “I love you.” She says and kisses my cheek. I turn to face her and bring my lips down to hers. “I love you, you sure you’ll be okay? I can call Hunter.” I say and she stops me. “No babe, Marlana is pulling up any minute. Go to work.” She says and reaches up to kiss me again. “Okay, just text me if I need to come home.” I tell her and she nods.
As I make my way to the car, Marlana pulls up. She gets out and walks over to give me a hug. “Thank you for doing this.” I tell her as we separate. “Of course, you guys are family. Roman said he is actually backstage for NXT tonight since hunter had to step out.” She tells me and I nod. ‘Alright, well, go see your best friend. My phone will be dry now.” I tell her and laugh. She rolls her eyes and flips me off before heading inside and I make my way to full sail.
Rachelle’s P.O.V
Marlana walks in and gives me a big smile. “Hey bestie! How are you feeling? Can I hug you?” She asks and I laugh at her. “Yes, just be gentle.’ I tell her and she hugs me lightly before sitting down on the couch.
“I’m okay, Austin has been great, I mean I don’t know what I would do without him.” I tell her and she smiles. “Well good, I’m glad. So, what do you want to watch? Oh, and I brought cheese fries!” She says and I laugh at how excited she is. She hands me my box and we just scroll through Netflix and watch random shit all night long.
“I’ve missed this.” I tell her and she smiles. “Of course, you have, I’m literally awesome!” She says and I laugh and wince. “Oh shit, sorry. I keep forgetting.”
“It’s okay Mar. I’ll take more medicine whenever Austin gets home.” I tell her. “So, have you thought about moving in here with him?” She asks me. “Well, yes, but I couldn’t just ditch you at the apartment.” I say with a light laugh. “I can handle it.” She says and looks at me.
“I don’t know, he hasn’t brought it up.” I tell her. I would love to live here with Austin, but I didn’t want to move too fast. “Well, I don’t see him letting you leave his sight.” She says and she’s right. Was he planning on asking me to move in? “So, if he does, just know that I can take care of the apartment on my own. I wouldn’t imagine you wanting to go back there anyways.” She says and finishes her cheese fries.
“I guess you’re right.” I tell her and right at that time, Austin walks in. “I leave you alone for 3 hours and you’ve already had cheese fries?” He asks with a smirky grin.
“Blame her.’ I say and point at Marlana. “Wooooow, Rachelle. Nice one. You’re injured so that’s the only reason you get away with this one!” She says and laughs. “Oh please, you love me.” I tell her and she pretends to think. “Yeah I do.” She says and stands up.
“Well, she’s all yours again.” Marlana tells Austin and he smiles at me. “Damn right she is.” He says and she walks out the door, closing it behind her.
“How was your match?” I asked him and he just shrugs. “It was alright, still waiting to get something better though. However, nothing beats coming home to you.” He says and kisses my forehead.
“Oh yeah?” I ask him and he nods. “So, I was thinking.” He says and pauses, “That I want to come home to you every day. Post recovery and all.” He says, waiting for my reaction. “So, like, I’d move in with you?” I urge and his eyes light up. “Yes.” He says and looks at me. “I would love nothing more.” I tell him and he smiles widely. “I swear to god Marlana is a psychic.” I say and Austin gives me a look.
“She literally talked about that tonight, that she saw this happening and that you wouldn’t want me to leave here.” I say and he rubs the back of his neck. “Maybe that’s because I went to her first to see how she would react and got her acceptance? I guess you could say?”
“Of course, you did. That sneaky wench.” Austin laughs and then smiles. “You know you love her.” He says, sitting back down on the couch.
“I do, but I love you more.” I tell him and his eyes light up again and he presses his lips to mine. “I’ll never get tired of you saying that.” He tells me and kisses me again. He stands up and helps me up, leading me to the room. “Here, take these.” He says and hands me my medicine and a glass of water.
“So, once you are better, we will start the move.” Austin tells me and I smile at him. “I wish I could jump up and down right now because I’m excited.” I tell him and he smiles down at me and kisses me again.
“You make me so happy, Rachelle.” He tells me and wraps his arms my shoulders. “I love you.” He adds and kisses my forehead. I smile and he leads me to the bed and helps me into it and under the covers.
“Good night baby.” He mumbles against the back of my head.
“Goodnight.” I whisper back to him and fall asleep slowly.

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