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Roman’s P.O.V
I had been watching and studying Marlana Nicole since she had started here. She was about 25 years old to my 35 years, 10 years apart. She always tried to include me in her plans, but lately she had been kind of avoiding me.
I walked into the gym and she was on the treadmill with her headphones in. I had moved to the weights so I could watch her. Sounds creepy, I know, but my intentions were pure. She had on a merch tank top of her & Rachelle’s with leggings and shoes.
I investigate the mirror and start doing some curls when I saw her hop off the treadmill. I pretended not to look at her but caught her look over at me before heading to the bench-press.
The girl had serious upper body strength and proved that in the ring. I hadn’t talked to her since I had told her about my separation from my wife.
Everyday she would walk into the performance center with a smile and look of motivation and determination. She was here to be the very best. She lays down to start her bench-press, but she sat back up, realizing that she didn’t have a spotter.
I put down my weights and walk over to her and stand behind her head. “I got you.” I told her and she nods and starts pushing up and down with the bar. She had done about 10, when her arms started to get tired and I helped her put the weights and bar back in it’s holding place.
“I should be able to do more than 10.” She says, frustrated. “Thank you.” She tells me and I nod at her.
“You’ll do more one day, just be patient, and trust the process.” I tell her and she nods and picks up her bag. “Leaving already?” I ask her and she nods.
“Yeah, if I try it anymore than I will over work it. I’m just going to head in the ring to practice some bumps.” She says and I follow her there.
“You have your debut, soon right?” I ask her and she nods. “Would you like me to train with you?” I ask her and she smiles. “I’d love that.”
We had been just doing basic running the ropes, and bumping. I had her down in a top wrist lock and she was working her way up to reverse but had accidentally knocked me in my jaw. “Oh my god Roman, I’m so sorry.” She says when she had noticed what she did and I just pulled my shirt over my head to use it for the blood.
“Hey, it’s alright.” I say and she watches me as the shirt came off my body and she took it from my hand, and I applied it to my mouth. I stared at her as she does this and she blushes and looks down.
“I think we should call it a day.” She says and glances up at my chest before moving away from me. I knew she felt that electricity too, but I didn’t push any further.
“Yeah, you’re tough as hell.” I tell her as she climbs out of the ring.
“Yeah, it was just me and my sister surrounded by brother’s growing up, so I’ve learned a thing or two. That and watching wrestling since I was in the womb.” She says and I laugh.  
A couple days later I had happened to be in the performance center late at night when I had heard a couple of girls talking. “You really think you’re cut out for this business? Look at you, you’re fat.” I heard some girl say and I peeked my head in the door and say Lana saying these things to Marlana so I had stepped in.
“Hey, instead of trash talking her, maybe you should take that same energy and train to get better.” I bark at her and she rolls her eyes and walks out. I reach my hand out to Marlana and bring her to her feet.
“It’s funny, I’m tough when it comes to all things except body image.” She says and pulls a hoodie over her tank top that she was currently wearing.
“Don’t listen to her, you have more talent in your left leg then she does he entire body.” I say at an attempt to make her smile, but it doesn’t work. “Sorry, just trying to make you feel better.” I tell her and she smiles but I noticed the tears in her eyes. “Did you want to talk about it?” I ask her and she shakes her head.
“No, It’s okay. I’m just stupid.” She says and turns away to wipe her tears.
“How about a hug then?” I say with a smile and she nods, and I wrap my arms around her, laying my cheek on the top of her head. She pulls away and smiles. “Thanks, Roman.” She tells me and grabs her bag and walks out. Hopefully one day, she will vent to me, like I have to her.
The following week seemed to be like an off week for Marlana. She was slower than usual and didn’t have that same light in her eyes. She barely spoke a word to me and even missed a training session which wasn’t like her at all.
Later that night there was a knock on my door, and I opened it and saw Marlana. “I’m sorry for coming here, but I had no one else to go to.” She says and I step aside and let her in. “Um, Jey told me where you lived.” She says and I shut the door and walk over to sit next to her.
“Are you thirsty?” I ask her and she shakes her head. “What’s up?” I ask her and she just bends her head down to touch her knees. “Marlana, what’s wrong? Are you in trouble?” I ask her but she just starts sobbing uncontrollably. I reach over and bring her to my chest, laying my head on hers. “It’s okay, you can tell me.” I whisper to her.
“I really don’t know how to explain this.” She says and sits back, leaning her head on the back of the couch.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. We can just sit.” I tell her and she shakes her head.
“I have to tell someone, or I’ll go crazy.” She says. “Actually, can I get a glass of water?” She asks and I nod, going to the kitchen and pouring her a glass of cold water and then handing it to her.
“Okay so, this is going to sound crazy, but I think my mother is threatening me and I don’t know what to do.” She says and was shaking like she was literally scared to death.
“How is she threatening you?” I ask her, and place my hand on her lower back, rubbing it up and down to try and relax her.
“I’ve been getting these strange letters to pay so much money or they will expose some real issues of mine and she is the only one in my family who hates me. She didn’t want me as a kid and now she does just because I’m successful and living out my dream. Her husband has so many guns that the thought of him, terrifies me to my core and I don’t know what to do.” She says and I take her hands into mine to try to get her to stop shaking.
“Okay, first of all, I need you to calm down and take some deep breaths okay?” I tell her and she nods. “I’m just so scared roman, I don’t even know how she found out where I was living!” She shouts and takes another sip of the water from the glass.
“We will figure it out, I promise.” I say and her stomach growls. “Are you hungry?” I ask her but she shakes her head. “Marlana, when is the last time you ate something?” I ask her and she turns her head. So, that’s why she had looked different this week. “Come on, let’s go get you some food.” I tell her and stand up to grab my keys and wallet.
“No Roman, I’m fine.” She tells me, but I’m not having it.
“Let’s go.” I say and she gives up and starts making her way over to the door.
We had picked up some chicken, her favorite, and brought it back to the apartment and I just put the TV on a random movie channel, and we watched and ate our food.
I pick up the trash and go to throw it away and when I returned, she had laid her head down on the end of the couch and so I sit down on the other end. She still hadn’t said much. “Did you and your mom ever have a good relationship?” I ask her and she picks her head up and sighs.
“Define, ‘good’” She says and laughs. It broke my heart to see her this way. “When I was younger, yes, but as I got older, I started to find out the truth about things. She’s the reason why I have trust issues. She’s also the reason why I don’t let anybody in because I feel that if I do, they will leave, just like she did.” She rants on and clears her throat. “Sorry.” She says and I just look at her.
“You’ve gone through a lot to only be 25.” I tell her and she shrugs her shoulders. “I know people who have gone through worse. Maybe I’m overreacting.” She says.
“Just because other people have gone through worse, doesn’t mean that your trauma doesn’t matter.” I tell her and lean forward. “I mean hell, you know about mine, and it isn’t as serious as yours.” I tell her and she just stays silent.
“I guess I should head home, thank you for dealing with me.” She says and stands up, hesitantly walking to the door.
“You can stay if you want.” I tell her and she shakes her head.
“No, it’s okay, you’ve done enough for me already.” She says and gives me a hug.
“Hey Marlana.” I say as she opens my door, “Text me when you get home, so I know you’re okay.” I tell her and she smiles and nods at me.
“Will do, thanks again, Reigns.” She says and I nod at her and shut the door once she turns the corner.
Well, I’ve done it now. I’m falling for Marlana, and I just know it’s going to kill me.
//Present Day//
Marlana’s P.O.V
Moving into the house wasn’t all that hard, considering Roman had already hired movers to move everything in and get it furnished. He was currently on the phone with some contractors and so I took the time to go about the house and look at everything.
I get up to our room, and it was huge. Everything about this house was everything that I had dreamed of. I stood and looked out the window when I felt arms wrap around my waist. Roman places a kiss to my cheek and looks out the window with me.
“I’m so glad you love it, baby.” He tells me and I turn around and look up at him. “How can I not?” I ask and he smiles, bending down to kiss me.
“Hey Roman, contractors are here.” Austin says and exits the room. “I’ll be back shortly. Everything is almost finished.” He tells me and kisses my forehead before leaving the room.
“Bitch!” Rachelle yells as she walks in our bedroom. “A fucking house?!” She yells and I nod, and she walks over to give me a hug.
“It’s beautiful.” She tells me as we make our way back downstairs. Just then, Roman walks up to me, and wraps an arm around my waist. “All done now.” He tells me and Austin and Rachelle tell us that they are heading out for the night.
“I can’t believe you did this. I have to pay you something.” I tell him and he shakes his head.
“You can pay me back by living in it with me every day.” He says and kisses my forehead.
“I guess that’s fine.” I say and he laughs. “So, what do you want to do first?” I ask him and he shrugs.
“Just imagine all the places I can fuck you in here.” He says and I slap him in the chest. “Roman!” I yell and he laughs and shrugs his shoulders. He turns me around and wraps his arms around me again.
“I’m so happy.” He confesses to me and squeezes me tighter. That’s when the happy tears fall from my face. “Me too.” I whisper and turn around to kiss him. He backs me into the wall, and I start unbuttoning his shirt. I push it off his shoulders and he picks me up and lays me down onto the couch and starts kissing my neck.
“You can be as loud as you want here, baby girl.” He says and bites down on my collar bone. “Let all of Florida know who you belong too.” He says and rips open my shirt and attacking my chest with kisses. He then stops and stands up.
“What’s wrong?” I ask him and he smirks and reaches his hand out to me. I grab it and follow him down the hall into a dark room. It was like our own version of 50 shades of grey and I immediately blush, forgetting that I had admitted to him that I wanted to try some of those things.
“Take your pick, we have all night.” He says and I blush and look down. “What’s wrong darling?” He asks and lifts my chin up.
“N-nothing.” I say and mentally slap myself for stuttering.
“We don’t have to use this stuff tonight.” He says. I look around the room and the though of him tying me up was enough to motivate me to grab some things.
He sits down in a throne like chair and watches me pick out several items and then he beckons me over to him. He hands me shot glass and fills it before I drink it. The hot, strong, liquid burned my throat but felt so good. “Turn around and sit in my lap.” He says and I do just that.
He still had his joggers on, and I just had my bra and shorts on. He took my hair and braided it before reaching down to unclasp my bra. He throws it down takes my hands behind my back and handcuffing them. “Safe word?” He asks me.
“House.” I tell him and has me stand up and places me on the bed, next to the window. “Tell me if gets to be too much okay? I want this to be fun.” He says and I nod before he throws me forward onto the bed. He unhooks the cuffs and flips me onto my back. I was confused until he scooted me up to the top of the bed and handcuffed me onto each bed post.
“You look incredibly hot, Marlana.” He says with a husky voice before bending down to kiss me. “Do not speak, unless it’s the safe word.” He says and then bites down onto my neck. I gasp and try to move my arms, but they were stopped by the handcuffs.
He grabs my right breast and squeezes and his knee comes up and rubs my clit against my shorts. “You want to scream, don’t you baby girl?” He asks and I nod, and he kisses my lips hard and reaches down to slide his hand into my shorts. I moan against his lips and he removes his hand and hops off the bed to pull my shorts and panties down.
“You’ve been a good girl, so you may speak now.” He says and looks at me intently. He slides back onto the bed and presses his tongue to my clit, pressing my legs down with his hands.
“Roman, fuck.” I moan out and he looks up at me while his tongue made circles around my bundle of nerves. After I climax, he uncuffs me and flips me around again and handcuffs me with my hands tied behind my back. He slaps his hand down onto my ass and I moan out loud. “Please.” I moan as I feel the tip of his cock, teasing my entrance.
“Please what?” He asks, his voice strained. He brings his hand down and slaps me again. “Please fuck me.” I tell him and within seconds he pushes himself into me.
He grabs my hips and starts thrusting into me and slapping me on my ass every so often. “Does that feel good baby?” He asks and all I can do is scream yes.
He reaches up and grabs my hair, pulling my head back. “Fuck, you’re so tight.” He groans as his hips hit my ass with every thrust. He lets go of my hair and bends down to uncuff me and slip me back around again. I reach up to his hair and pull it while he continued to thrust into me. “Keep doing that and I won’t last very long.” He says and I let go of his hair and his thrusts turn slow and sloppy before he pulls out and cums on my stomach.
I smile at him and he smiles back, pushing the sweaty hair off his forehead and hands me a towel. “Why are you looking at me like that?” He asks and I shrug my shoulders and crawl over to him and start stroking him. “Again?” He asks and I nod before placing my mouth around him. He pulls me off and brings my lips up to him and kisses me and I push him down on the bed and hover over him, lowering myself down.
“Fuck.” He moans once I sit all the way down. “You’re going to be the death of me.” He says and I bite my lip and start to slowly bounce up and down. I lean my body forward and his hands came down to my ass, bouncing me up and down quicker.
“You feel good, daddy.” I tell him and his eyes go darker and he lets go of me, letting me do all the work. “You like the way I bounce on you?” I ask him and he nods, unable to speak.
“You’re fucking incredible.” He says to me as I cum all over him and I feel him shoot inside of me. I bend down to kiss him before hopping off him and laying down next to him.
“I think I really like this house.” I tell him and he laughs and looks up at the ceiling.
“Me too.” He says and kisses me once more before getting up. “Round 3 in the shower?” He asks and I quickly hop up and follow him.
I would definitely be sore tomorrow, but it was worth it.

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