chapter 2

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Next day.
Suri thinking 'I think I should go there, he was confident that he'll give me a job, and he looks very much upper class so I'm sure he'll pay me good but most importantly, he's my regular customer he respects me. I'm so lucky that I treat people good so they pay me back like this'

She got dressed. She wore a white loose shirt with denim blue jeans.
She went to the address Kent gave her.

Suri thinking 'Wow this office is huge and A class, I don't know if I'll adjust in this atmosphere'

She went inside and entered the lift, she went on 8th floor and waited for hours.
Finally 14pm, Kent arrived at the office with assistant Kevin.
He saw Suri sitting in the waiting lounge.

Kent to Kevin: "Is she here for the interview"
Kevin: "Yes sir!"
Kent: "Send her In first."
Kevin nodded yes.

After few minutes.
Kevin send Suri inside Kent's cabin for the interview.
Suri: "Good afternoon."
Kent: "Good afternoon, what's your name?"
Suri: "My name's Suri Harrington"
Kent: "Good..."
Suri: "Excuse me?"
She interrupted
Kent looked at Suri.
Suri: "Can I ask what is you name?"
Kent chuckled.
Kent: "My name's Kent Fredrickson in short Freddi."
Suri smiled and nodded yes.

He took her interview and selected her for the job of clothing designer.
Suri was worried.
Suri thinking 'I seriously don't know anything about designer clothes. What Am I gonna do?'

Few months passed.
Suri learned so many new things, she was focusing on her studies plus working hard on her fashion skills as she had a very bad taste in fashion.
On the other hand, Kent's one sided crush for suri started turning into love as he met her everyday, Suri never see him as someone she can mate with, but he wanted her to be in his life.

Kent was inside his cabin relaxing.
When he saw from the transparent glass of his cabin Suri talking to a male employee.
Kent to himself:
"Why is she talking to him? Why is she coming close to him, why is Randall coming too close to her, I'm not going to fire him."
Minutes later he called kevin in his cabin.
Kevin: "Yes sir!"
Kent: "Where is Randall Flinton"
Kevin: "He might be in his cabin,working."
Kent: "I don't want him here in this company, kick him out."
Kevin: "But he....we didn't have any complaint against him"
Kent: "Then make one and kick him out."
Kevin nodded yes.
Next day Randall left the company.

A year passed.
Suri was in her last year of college.
And kent started ignoring Suri just to hold his feelings from exploding.

Suri and Rebecca (colleague) was asigned to do a fashion project together. They both have to design 4 outfits together which will be displayed at the fashion event of the company.

They both were working at night in the office.
It was 1 in the morning.
Rebacca: "God! I'm sleepy, I'm leaving you should continue."
Suri: "But you can't just leave. We have to complete these dresses, they are going to be displayed tomorrow, you have to stay here and work with me"
[she said disgusted]
Rebecca: "Oh come on sweetie! You're too new in this industry, I'm in this industry for past 6 years, so you have to obey me"
[she said confidently and left]
Suri was so frustrated.
She started crying in the room.
Kent was present in the office.
He came and sat in front of suri.
He didn't like to see her crying.

Kent: "Hey! what's wrong?"
[he asked, worried]
Suri wiped her tears.
Suri: "I'm sorry, its nothing."
Kent: "Come on tell me."
Suri: "The dresses are to be displayed by tomorrow and Rebacca left, giving me all the work."
Kent felt bad.
Kent: "It's okay you're gonna be fine, you just have to calm yourself down"
Suri nodded yes.
And continued to work.

Kent left.
Suri was continuesly working till next morning.
Her work was finally done in the afternoon.

Suri thinking 'finally it's all done perfectly, the event is in the evening, we can display these.'

She was so much happy, she went home, took a shower, ate snacks, wore her brown colored midi and went to the event.

Suri to herself:
"I know today Freddi sir is going to love those outfits. He's going to be very proud of me, I'm so excited to see his expression, He's going to be overwhelmed and who knows if he'll promote me"
[she said excitedly]

The event started.
Kent was walking towards the stage from the backstage when he saw Suri adjusting the event outfit.
He immediately fell for her she was looking very beautiful in her brown midi but he didn't let his feelings out and started walking towards his seat.

Kent was sitting in the V.I.P row.
Just when the dresses started to get displayed by models.
He was very impressed.
Suri was eagarly waiting for him to be proud of her.
Finally Kent's speech time came.

Kent speaking on mic:
"I'm honored to have you guys here tonight for this super classy show, my friends, my colleagues, my family, my employees, am so happy tonight, these collections are one of the A class collection we had in our brand, So For these special 4 outfits of the night I'm going to give its credits to none other than my very very creative and idealistic designer....." [he stopped]

Suri was super excited.
All the paparazzi were taking pictures and videos of Kent.

"REBECCA SMITH!" [he continued]

Suri was shocked, Rebecca came onstage and hugged Kent.

Suri's world was torn apart, she literally started crying, she left the venue and walked back home.

Suri thinking 'He gave my work and my dedication's credit to her, he saw from his own eyes that Rebacca left the work in the middle, she didn't even completed it and he still gave all the credits to her just because she's his old employee, its not fair, I'm going to talk to him right away tomorrow, he have to answer me.'

Kent thinking 'I gave all the credits to rebecca because I don't want suri to get promoted or to be successful, If she become successful she will leave this company and I can't let her go away from me again, I know she might be upset right now but this isn't easy for me either, I'm feeling guilty to take her opportunity away from her but I have no choice, I love her'

To be continued......

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