Chapter 7

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Next morning.

Suri worn her white flower printed gown with Black jacket.
Her father knew that she's pregnant but he didn't said anything because he was waiting for her to confess it all by herself.
Suri gathered all her guts and walked out of her house.

Everybody was looking at her in amazement.
Her 3 months pregnant belly was showing up clearly.

She went to the IVAGA brand headquarter.

Suri thinking 'Okay, I can do it. He have to answer me, don't broke in front of him Suri. You have to be strong'

She walked inside.
The receptionist Hailee who was once her friend looked at Suri in amazement.
Suri: "Hi!"
Hailee: "Hi!"
Suri: "How are you Hail?"
Hailee: "I'm fine Su and you?"
[she asked confused]
Suri: "Well, I'm pregnant."
[she said sarcastically]
Hailee smiled.
Suri: "Is Mr. Kent Fredrickson here today?"
[she asked]
Hailee: "Yeah! He is in his cabin."
[she said]
She started walking towards the lift.
Hailee: "Suri, Suri! You can't go in, I have to take Mr. Fredrickson's permission first."
[she said nervously]
Suri: "Fine!"

Hailee called Kent.
Kent: "Hello."
Hailee: "Sir, Suri Harrington is here to meet you."
Kent felt annoyed and irritated.
Kent: "God! Tell her that I'm not in office."
Hailee: "Sir, I'm talking you on call, She's in front of me."
Suri recognised that Kent declined to meet her.
She felt bad.
Kent: "Fine! Send her in."
Hailee: "Okay sir!"
Call ended.

Hailee: "You can go in."
Suri smiled and left.
She arrived at his cabin floor and knocked on his cabin door.

Kent: "Come in" [he was sitting in his chair]
Suri entered his cabin.
Kent looked at Suri and got amazed.
She was looking too pretty in her pregnancy glow, her belly was big and cute, she was looking like a pregnant barbie doll.

Suri: "I am pregnant and I want an answer Fred."
[she said in a serious voice]
Kent stood up.
Suri: "You've been ignoring me since I told you about my pregnancy. You're abandoning me for being pregnant, I tried calling you for like thousand times and all I got are excuses and excuses and excuses."
[she said, hurt]
Kent looked at Suri.
Suri: "You said you'll be with me always and you left me to deal with this baby on my own."
Kent: "I'm not the one who've gone too far."
[he said, annoyed]
Suri: "Fine!!! God damn it I'm 3 months pregnant, I'm carrying this shit inside me who's equally your fault, You were the one who never admitted our relationship Kent and now because I'm pregnant you're blaming everything on me! At least I didn't back off."
[she said angry]
Kent: "Listen...."
[he said in a calm tone]
Suri: "I don't wanna listen anything Kent, the only thing I want now is an answer from you. Are you going to accept this baby or not?"
[she asked straight]
Kent: "Suri, Leave from here this is my office"
[he said calming his self]
Suri: "The answer Kent, Are you going to accept this baby or not?"
[she repeated her question]
Kent looked at her.
Kent: "Don't make a scene here Suri..."
[he said angrily]
Suri: "Just give me an answer that's it, a simple answer."
[She said as she stood there staring at him with all the faith she had in him]

Kent stood silent.
She understood his silence.
Tears began to fall from her eyes.
He looked at Suri.
Suri: "I got my answer today"
[she said while crying]
She was about to leave when she turned to say..
Suri: "one more thing Kent, you're abandoning me and your baby, right after this very moment you're just a stranger for us.(she and her baby)"
[she said to him]
And she left his cabin.
He watched her walking away.
He sat in his seat and started crying.

Kent thinking 'I don't want to lose her, I love her so much but this situation is making everything worst for me, I want her so badly, I want her to understand that I'm not ready for such a huge responsibility. God help me I can't live without her.'

Suri came back home and entered her bedroom.
She sat crying on her bed.
When her father knock on the door.

Stuart: "Honey, what's wrong?"
He cuddled her.
Suri cried on her father's chest.
Suri: "Dad I'm sorry, I did something horrible."
[she said while crying]
Stuart: "What is it honey?"
[he asked intentionally]
Suri: "Dad! I'm 3 months pregnant."
[she said crying]
Stuart: "I know that honey, whose baby is it?"
[he asked comforting her]
Suri: "Kent Fredrickson my ex boss."
[she said with anger filled voice]
Stuart: "Did he knows about your pregnancy?"
[he asked worried]
Suri: "Oh yes! He do and he's abandoning me and his kid."
[she said angrily]
Stuart: "God, I'm so sorry honey, everything will be fine no need to worry"
[he said as he hugged her]
Suri: "I'm sorry dad that i let you down"
Stuart: "Its okay, and I'll try my best to earn more money for all of us."
Suri felt bad that she's being a burden on her father.
She didn't wanted her father to take responsibility of her kid.
Suri: "Dad, You Don't have to take responsibility of this baby."
Stuart: "But daughter..."
Suri: "No, this kid is mine and Kent's responsibility but because Kent backed off, I'm going to look after it by myself"
[she said confidently]
Stuart: "Suri, You can't do this alone."
Suri: "I can and I will, & I want your blessing and faith in me."
[she said hugging him]
Stuart: "You already have it all, I love you and I know you can do it, you're my supergirl."
[he said kissing her forehead]
Suri smiled.
Stuart left.

To be continued.....

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