Chapter 9

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Few days later.
She entered her 5th month of pregnancy.
She was tired of working but she got no other choice.

Monday morning.
She went to work wearing lose navy blue colored T-shirt with blue jeans.

Eric (Suri's boss): "Hey are you alright?"
[he asked worriedly to Suri]
She was sitting quitely, her face was pale, she was unhappy.
Suri nodded yes.
Eric: "Suri, You're not well. You're looking so stressed what's wrong!"
Suri: "Nothing, just migrane that's it."
Eric: "I think you should take half day today, You've worked a lot for today, go home or hangout some place to cheer yourself up."
[he said comforting her]
Suri nodded yes.
Suri left her work place.
And started walking back home.

Just when she stopped by a park.

Suri thinking 'I think I should spend sometime here. If I go back home I'll feel more sick so It'll be better if I relax in the park little bit.'

She entered the park and sat on a nearby bench, seeing kids with their parents having good time.

Kent was driving his BMW towards Suri's workplace when he catched her glimspe from the car window in the park.

Kent thinking 'Is it Suri sitting there? Oh yeah she is! God! She's looking so beautiful. How am I going to apologise to her, I don't know what am gonna do now'

He stopped his car nearby the park's entrance.
He started walking inside the park.

Suri was watching other people when she saw Kent walking towards her.

Suri thinking 'what is he doing here? Might have came here to made me realise how bad my decision was when I was in a relationship with him, whatever who cares about him, he ditched me at the time when I needed him the most, so now there's no place for him in my life, I Should just leave this place it'll be better than to be in an awkward situation'

She got up and started walking towards the exit.

Kent: "Suri... Suri"
[he called her]
She heard him calling her name but she didn't turned, she just wanted to avoid him.

Kent started running.
He came in front of her blocking her path.

Suri: "WHAT?"
[she yelled]
Kent: "I... I know I did wrong with you, I shouldn't have done that, I'm really a brat..."
[he started explaining]
Suri: "Look I don't want to hear anything Kent, everything is clear. You're not going to accept the baby neither do I, so there's no need for any explanations, I'm good with myself..."
[and she started walking away]
Kent: "I did a mistake okay, I was a m*****F***** that I left you alone to deal with the pregnancy and I'm sorry for that..."
[he said following her]
Suri: "I don't need your apologies okay, I'm fine with everything and thanks for proving me wrong for trusting you I shouldn't have done that in the first place."
[she said while walking]
Kent's anger got triggered.
He stopped walking and grabbed Suri's arm in a tight grip.
[he said with anger filled in his voice and eyes]
Suri: "If you have ever loved me you would never left me alone when I announced my pregnancy. You promised me that you'll never leave me and you lied..."
[she said controlling her emotions]
Kent: "I WAS AFRAID..."
[he said holding his tears]
Suri smiled sarcastically.
Suri: "Really? This is not a genuine reason Kent, I was scared too and believe it or not I am still scared of what will happen to me in future but I didn't gave up on everything like you..."
[she said in anger]
She shook his hand away.
Sat inside a cab and left for home.
He was still standing there watching her leave.

Kent came back home.
He sat drinking coffee in his bedroom.

Kent thinking 'she is not ready to even hear a single word from my mouth, I just don't know what am I gonna do, I have to convince her to let me be in her life again, I really need her, I feel so lonely without her like the other part of my soul is missing, I want our baby to fulfil all the empty moments in our lives, I will not give up this time, I'm goning to convince her anyhow.'

Next day Kent contacted Suri's boss Eric.
Eric went to meet Kent in a 5 star hotel for breakfast.
Eric: "You called me here sir! Is there something wrong?"
[he asked worried and nervously]
Kent: "There's nothing wrong sorry... What's your name again?"
[he said in his royal attitude]
Eric: "Eric Jefferson"
Kent: "There's nothing wrong Mr. Jefferson, I actually called you here for my personal purpose..."
[he said smiling and eating omelet]
Eric: "Really, what is it sir?"
[he asked worried]
Kent: "The new girl in your store remember her?"
Eric: "Yeah Suri..."
Kent: "Yes, She's my girlfriend..."
Eric got shocked.
Eric: "But she's pregnant..."
Kent: "Yeah that's my baby!"
[he said calmly]
Eric: "Oh..."
[he said confused]
Eric: "So what do you want me to do?"
[he asked confused again]
Kent: "I want you to treat her good, you understand me? I want you to give all of her updates to me, you have to spy on her for me..."
[he said politely]
Eric felt disgusted.
Eric: "I'm not gonna do that, I'm sorry sir but I ain't gonna spy on her, she's already stressed and I don't want her to feel more disgusted."
[he said feeling ashamed]
Kent continued to eat omelet and drink tea.
Kent nodded yes.
Kent: "I heard you want to expand your business..."
[he said hinting towards a deal]
Eric: "Yeah I do"
Kent: "I can give you 2 options, come and work under my supervision, Or I can invest in your business so you'll be able to expand it"
[he offered him]
Eric think for a second.
Eric sighed.
Eric: "I know where this is going, whatever I select you'll ask me to spy on her in return. Ain't you?"
[he asked]
Kent smiled and nodded yes.
Kent: "Think from a business man's point of view Eric, If I were you I would surely have selected option 2 and what more I'm asking you in return you just have to spy on her and give me her updates, that's it, it's not that big work..."
[he said convincing him]
Eric think for a second.
Eric smiled.
Kent smiled in return.
Eric: "Okay, I'll do it and you have to invest in my business."
Kent smiled and nodded yes.
Kent: "Deal?"
Eric: "Deal!"
They shaked hands, finished their breakfast and left.

To be continued.....

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