Ch. 25

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San POV ~

"We should head back now" I hear Seonghwa say, looking at his phone, checking the time.

I looked around and noticed that it was actually turning dark now, time flies when you're having fun. We all got out of the water and dried ourselves off with the towels that Seonghwa brought because we all forgot.

"Thanks, it seems like you're doing all the work" I say, laughing as we walked back.

"And that's why he's the best" Hongjoong said, tiptoeing and kissed him on the cheek.

I looked at them with a general idea forming in my head, but I didn't want to assume anything, so I asked to make sure, "Are you guys a thing, or . . ." I asked, leaving the question open.

"Yes, we are, I'm glad you asked!" Hongjoong chuckled, "I hope you're fine with that, I assume?" He said, this time with a serious face.

"Oh of course, I'm happy for both of you!" I said, grinning cheekily.

"Good, that's what I like to hear. Many people don't accept us, and are quick to judge, so I'm glad you can understand" He said, breaking out in a smile again.

I contemplated on telling him about myself. He seemed like a really genuine and kind person, so I felt like I could trust him.

I cupped my hands around my mouth and his ear, "I'm actually bi" I say quickly before looking away. Actually, I've only dated girls before, most of them ending on a good note, the few others resulting in me soaking wet in coffee or some other fluid. I was only open to my close friends, everyone else thought I was like a wooden ruler.

"Oooh, is there anyone special or someone you have your eye on" He said raising his eyebrows expectantly.

I felt heat creeping up my face, ". . . Well, there is"

We arrived back at our tents, giving me time to cool down. I was going back into my tent, but Hongjoong grabbed my arm, making me look at him.

"I forgot something at the lake, and San said he would go with me since I'm scared of the dark" He said out of nowhere, making me look at him with a questioning look. He looked at me with a look that said, "Just go with it."

"Yeah, we'll be back soon" I say and the others waved, showing they heard.

We turned around, retracing our steps, "Did you actually forget something?" I asked confused.

"That was just an excuse, now would you mind telling me about this certain someone" He said, calmly looking at me.

Oh, I thought I was let off the hook, but I guess not.

I rubbed my neck and cringed, thinking back to what I did with Mingi. I will never do that again, making a promise to myself.

"W-well, he's with us right now" I said, leaving only three people to question, Yeosang, Jongho, and Wooyoung, since all the others were dating already.

Hongjoong looked at me, expecting a name.

"It's . . . Wooyoung" finally saying it.

He smiled, "I knew who it was, but I just wanted to ask because I wanted you to say it yourself"

"What? How?" I say, thinking back wondering when did I ever tell anyone besides Mingi. "Did Mingi tell you?" I ask, planning something evil in my head.

"No, he didn't, don't worry" He said laughing. "It's just obvious, the way you look at each other screams "I'm in love, but I can't tell you because I'm scared"

"I-I don't think it's obvious though . . . or else I would know if he loves me or not" I whispered.

"San, look at me and listen" Hongjoong said gently.

I did as he told, finding myself comfortable in opening up to him even though we barely met.

"Do I have to show you those pictures again for you to understand? I'm sure there's more, Yeosang and Jongho could have a whole album of just you two at this rate" He said making me blush.

"Now, I don't know you well, and I hope we get along like we are now, but anyone can see that you two love each other. Yes, you two. I was thinking if I should tell you this or not, but I think it's for the best if I do" Hongjoong said looking into my eyes, making me fidget.

"You know how you were the last to get picked up in the car?" He asked.

"Yes I do" I answer, pink dusting my cheeks as I remember the ride.

"We were actually talking about you before" He said, piquing my interest.

"We were playing 20 questions so we could know each other better, and one of the question was: Do you like anyone? Yeah, it's probably not a good question to ask someone that isn't your friend, but that's besides the point" He said quickly.

I nodded, showing I was listening.

"It was Wooyoung's turn to answer, and he just sat there for a while and seemed like he didn't want to answer, so we were about to move on because we didn't want to make him uncomfortable. I quote, this is what he said, 'Well, y-yes I do, but I'm sure he doesn't like me back, he's my best friend' (With the stutter too ;>) Now, tell me who's his best friend, San."

My brain was short-circuiting, "Umm, Mingi?" I answered, thinking of every loophole there was. "Yunho, or his other best friends that I don't know about" I just hear him sigh and shake his head slightly.

"Speaking of Mingi and Yunho, he did say something about you guys having a thing together and that's another reason why he doesn't believe that you like him?"

That really was a bad idea. "Um, about that, long story short, me and Mingi thought that we could make Wooyoung and Yunho jealous and then we could get together, somehow thinking that it was a good idea to pretend to be whatever we were. About Yunho, well they're together now, but Yunho agreed to be part of the plan too" I said, a bit ashamed.

"Well that clearly didn't work the way you wanted, no?" He said with a tilt of his head "And it's pretty shitty to play with someone's feelings . . ."

"Yeah I know, we stopped though, we talked about it the day we came here and decided to end whatever it was that we were doing since it was hurting all of us." I explained and he nodded his head, satisfied. "Are you sure he likes me in that way though?" I asked hesitantly.

"San, I know it's hard for you to believe, but you have to trust me. He literally admitted that he liked you, so stop hesitating because it's getting neither of you anywhere" He said gently but firm.

"I . . . I believe you" I said, knowing in the back of my mind that he was telling the truth, but I just couldn't fully believe it.

"Good, but you can't tell the others I told you this or else I'm gonna be dead!" He said hopping up and down.

"I won't, trust me" I said, using his words on him, laughing as we went back to where the others were.


Ever just swim for the whole day, cause that's what they did 😃

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