Ch. 3

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San Pov ~

"I am going to kill him" I muttered to myself. 

How dare he say he was my boyfriend in front of everyone in the school, but most importantly, in front of Wooyoung! He's crazy, how could he do that.

"Ahhhhhhh" I pulled at my hair feeling like ripping all of it out not because I was frustrated, but because I was embarrassed. 

What was Wooyoung going to think? Yeah, I didn't care about what anyone else thought about me. The only person I cared about was Wooyoung.

"Feeling embarrassed baby ~" Someone said behind me 

Wooyoung was right by him too making me blush.

"Awwww, your so cute blushing like that." Mingi smirked as he talked.

I sent him a glare and pulled him away to the bathroom to talk to him and of course leaving Wooyoung behind with confusion written across his face. I felt bad for him but I was too focused on dragging Mingi away to think on it. Also, of course there was people whispering to themselves about how cute they were and how they were perfect for each other. I ignored them.

I pulled Mingi through the hallways and into the bathroom and checked that nobody was in there and to my luck, there was no one.

"Woah, moving this fast huh?" He said teasingly.

I flicked his forehead and he yelped in pain.

"Care to explain, Mingi?"

"What do you mean explain?" He replied feigning innocence"

"You know what I'm talking about." I said getting impatient. "Calling me babe in the hallway and making everyone think were dating.

Silence. Mingi stared straight at San and stepped towards him causing San to move back and hit the wall. 

"San, what if I tell you I like you?"

I stared at him dumbfounded. My mouth hung open as I processed what he said. No way was he serious. He knew I liked Wooyoung. I continued to gape at him until he burst into laughter.

I realized he was joking and smacked him hard on his chest causing his to cough and laugh harder making tears spill out of his eyes.

"Yah, that was not funny!" I said but he only laughed harder if that was even possible.

"Chill dude, it was just part of my plan."

"What plan?" I questioned.

"My plan to make Wooyoung jealous and fall for you."

"You're crazy Mingi, he's never going to love me." 

"Keep on telling that to yourself, you'll never know if you don't try."

"I'll tell him myself!"

"Yeah yeah yeah, that's what you've been saying for like what, all your life? Mingi retaliated."

He had a point. I did say I was going to confess my feelings every single year but I always chickened out last minute.

I sighed and gave in "Fine, let's pretend to be boyfriends, butttt-" I dragged on.

"But what?" He questioned

"What do you gain from this, there must be another reason that your doing this besides getting us together." 

I knew I was right when Mingi started to blush. I raised my eyebrow and looked at him expectingly. 

"Since you know who I like, it's only fair I know who you like, right?" I said.

"Fine, I'll tell you.

I waited patiently for his answer.

"Its.... Yunho"

My eyes bugged out of my head. How did I never realize this! Of course it was Yunho. Every single time I would catch him staring at him and blush whenever he got close to us. He was also the popular kid who everyone wanted and liked.

I stared at his blushing face and asked "How long have you liked him?

"4 years." 

"Wait, you liked him since 7th grade and you never told me!" I said feigning betrayal." 

We were now juniors in high school or in other words we were in our 3rd year.

"Sorry, I just thought that you already knew." He said

"Now that you mention it, it was obvious."

"Well, now that I've told you, how about the plan?" He asked smirking.

I smirked back at him "Its on."

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