Ch. 8

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Wooyoung POV~

I walked into school like a normal human being and like I do almost everyday. I planned on meeting up with San and Mingi in the school but it seems like I won't get to today. Instead, I saw Yunho and hesitantly walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. 

"Hey." I shyly said

He smiled back at me "Mornin, you wanna check if we have any classes together?"

"Sure." I replied as I pulled out my schedule. 

We happened to share the first and last period and lunch together so we decided to walk to class together.

"You should come over to my house sometimes, it would be easier too because we have last period together so you can just follow me." Yunho suggested.

"Sure!" I responded excited.

We continued to walk on and I was so engrossed in talking that when Yunho stopped, I didn't realize and bumped into him. 

"Whats wrong?" I asked confused on why he suddenly stopped. 

He didn't say anything and just pointed at two figures in the middle of the hallway. I squinted to get a closer look at who it was. It was just now that heard people whispering about going to someones house and what they were doing which made me utterly confused as it didn't correlate with me at all. I registered that it was San and Mingi but what made me shocked was that they were kissing in the hallways in plain site. That didn't sit well with me. 

"I'm gonna tell you know who all your secrets!" San screeched at him as Mingi was running away with San standing there.

"Dream on Lover Boy." Mingi yelled back laughing.

What secrets was he talking about and who did he want to tell it to. Not to mention, why were they kissing in the hallways and why his heart was beating at an erratic rate. He finally noticed Yunho by his side who looked sad and confused.

"So are they dating?" Yunho finally asked

"Truth to be told, I actually don't know at all." I answered. "I went to their house yesterday and asked them and all Mingi said was that I could call them whatever I wanted to."

"Like what?" 

"Friends with benefits, best friends, or...." I paused thinking if I should say it.

"And what." 

"Well he said that I could call them boyfriends." I finished.

Yunho stood there and thought deeply.

"Well it's not like they said they were dating." I said trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"But they said that you could call them boyfriends." Yunho said.

"That's the thing with them, they won't even tell me whats going on between them." I said tugging at my hair in frustration.

"Well lets go to class first." He said and I agreed.

I sat through class listening to the teacher and wrote down notes like usual. It was mostly uesless stuff but I wrote it down anyways because there was nothing else to do. Class ended and before Yunho could leave, I tugged at his sleeves making him turn to me.

"You wanna sit with us for lunch." I asked.

"Of course!" He answered back.

Skip to Lunch ~

It was finally lunch time so that meant I was going to see San, Mingi, and Yunho. I met up with Yunho along the way and went into the cafeteria. San and Mingi were already there and were sitting next to each other and laughing at each other. I wish that he was laughing with me instead of Mingi. That was kind of selfish of me but I couldn't really lie to myself.

We walked towards their table and they finally noticed us when I stood across from them. 

"Hey guys, I brought someone with me." I said

"Hello, I'm Yunho by the way." He said and waved.

We sat down and I saw Mingi wide eyed and San smirking. Just what was going on with these two.

"Hehehe, I told you I would find a way didn't I." San said causing me and Yunho to tilt our heads.

"How!" Mingi exclamed.

"I have my ways." San said laughing.

I coughed slightly to get their attention which worked as they looked at us again. 

"Nice to meet you, I'm San." He greeted happily with a slight smirk evident on his face.

"H-hey, I'm Mingi." He stuttered causing me to raise my eyebrow at him.

"Well we saw you two this morning... if you know what I'm talking about." I said causing both of them to rub their necks.

It was only then that I had realized all those hickeys that were littered over them. I gasped causing them to look at me weird.

"What?" They asked at the same time.

"W-wait, are those what I think they are." I said as I pointed at their necks.

San immediately covered his neck and smacked Mingi on the arm. "I told you!" 

"Hey it wasn't my fault you slept in." Mingi retorted.

"Putting that aside, who was San talking about this morning?" Yunho chided trying to make it less awkward.

"Ah! Well of course I was actually talking about yo- mphhh!" San got cut off as Mingi pressed his hand on his mouth with a blushing face.

"Ahahah, it was no one." Mingi laughed nervously while glaring at San.

When he finally took his hand off of his mouth, he just bursted into laughter.

"I'll get my revenge Mingi." San said choking because he was laughing too hard.

"Shut up!" Mingi said back and slapped his back causing his to choke harder.

Me and Yunho just stared at them then looked at each other.

"Well were all pretty weird." I said chuckling.

"Hahah, thats perfect, I'm pretty weird myself!" Yunho said chucking.

We continued to eat while we talked and soon lunch was over and headed our separate ways after exchanging goodbyes.

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