Ch. 5

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San POV ~

"Since we agreed to be pretend boyfriends, lets practice a little." Mingi said catching me off guard."

"And how do you want to practice?" I asked cautiously.

"Lets start by kissing." He said nonchalantly.

"What, are you crazy, why would we do that!"

"Don't you want to convince them that we are actually dating, so we have to display our affection confidently." He reasoned. "Plus its not like we actually like each other so it doesn't matter."

He did have a point. We both didn't like each other in that way so its not like feelings were involved. Also, this would give me some experience.

"Well, I guess it would make sense so that people wouldn't doubt us." I said.

"Just think of me as Wooyoung and I'll.... think of someone else."

I laughed at his blushing face. 

"Well that works I guess but one last thing I need to say before we start this whole deal..." I said purposely adding suspense.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking." He said raising an eyebrow.

"No homo bro." We both said at the same time and smirked at each other before we smashed our lips against each other.

My back was against the wall and his hands were cupping my face. He bit my bottom lip asking for more. I gave in and we started "eating each others faces," if you could call it that. We pulled away and panted for air. 

"Didn't know you were such a good kisser." I said as I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Likewise." He said with the same tone.

"More?" I asked smirking

He didn't answer. Instead he just pulled my face back in with his hands behind my neck on and my face. We started to make out like no tomorrow. Someone coughed at us and I was suddenly aware that we were still in the bathroom where anyone could come barging in on us. I pulled away abruptly and turned my head to see who it was.

I wanted to crawl into a hole and bury myself alive. Was luck never by my side? Why did it have to be Wooyoung out of all people in this entire school. I would've been fine with anyone except for him. I started to blush and stared at the floor like it was the most interesting thing in the world because I just couldn't look at his face.

"Sorry you had to see that Wooyoung." I heard Mingi say, but he didn't sound the least apologetic and sounded like it he wanted someone to see us.

I felt Wooyoung's gaze burning into me but I couldn't afford looking up without looking like a tomato so I continued staring everywhere but him.

"That was fun, lets do this some other time baby boy ~" Mingi whispered not so quietly while leaning into my ear. 

He just had to embarrass me like that huh. I will get my revenge someday just not now.

"Sorry." I muttered to Wooyoung as I dragged Mingi away while he laughed like a maniac. I was so going to get my revenge now. 

The last thing I saw was Wooyoung staring at us while I dragged Mingi out the door. I felt bad for leaving him for like millionth time today, but at least it was better than him seeing my post make out face. 

Oh. Maybe it was better to stay in the bathroom with Wooyoung because the bell just rung causing the students to spill out of the classrooms and into the hall. They all suddenly stopped and stared at us. Great. We were now the center of attention. We didn't get that far which meant we were still in front of the bathroom and I could only guessed what we both looked like. Hair disheveled, lips swollen, and me pulling him by the arm. 

My face heated up with embarrassment. Everyone was whispering things about  what we could have done in the bathroom. Well it was quit obvious that we had made out.

I hid my face in my hands while Mingi wrapped his arm around my waist guiding me through the crowd. While passing through them, I could heard what they were talking about and it made my shrink into his grip around me. 

"Oh wow, that went fast."

"How long have they been together?

"They look so hot!"

"Get you a man like Mingi."

"San is so cute!"

If only they knew that this was only part of a plan. 

Mingi leaned into my ear "Lets just go home, I don't have the energy to deal with people."

I nodded at him and he gave me his hat and pushed it down on my hair covering my blushing face.

"Wow, so cute."

"I wish I had someone like that."

"I wonder what they were doing."

Mingi pushed everyone away and we somehow made it out of school. We went to his car.

"Mine or your house? He asked

"Lets go to yours."


The rest of the car ride was silent but not in a awkward way. It was calming and the only thing you could hear was the songs playing on the radio. We pulled up to his house and we walked to his door. He inserted the key and before he could turn the knob, I suddenly remembered something. 

"Hey." I said causing him to pause his actions.

"What?" He said 

"You embarrassed me in front of Wooyoung today so you know what that means..." I said

"What do you mean by that?" He said confused.

I leaned into him and put a hand over my mouth.

"I'm gonna have a lot of fun embarrassing you in front of Yunho tomorrow." I whispered.

"B-but, you don't even talk to him." He said desperately.

I smirked "Just wait."

With that, I stepped inside the house leaving Mingi staring into space with horror written across his face.

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