Chapter 25| Missing?

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1 month had passed in a blink. Ahana and Neil bond was growing each day more and more. The Malhotra's tried multiple things to make Ahana realize that what she feels around Neil is not just a friendship bond. It's more then that. Its love. But all their talks and plans went into vein as Ahana was stuck on calling her feeling for Neil as friendship.

While on the other hand Neil's feelings were also developing but unknown to him. He was just enjoy these moments in his life. He wasn't thinking much about anything even close to romantic feelings that to towards Ahana. The others also didn't want to work on Neil as if now as they weren't sure house Neil would react understanding his feelings.

Today was just like a normal Wednesday for everyone. Ahana and Neil got up early and did their morning routine with getting the kids and themselves ready for the day. Though Ahana felt a little off today and she didn't know why. Since morning she was having a weird feeling in her guts but couldn't figure out why. Ignoring it, She send the kids to school along with Neil.

The whole day, the ladies in the house noticed the uneasiness in Ahana. While cooking lunch, Ahana had cut her hand slightly as she was lost in her thoughts. Angali finally decided to confront Ahana about this.

Angali:"Ahana beta are u alright ?"(She asked as the ladies settled down on the hall around 1 in the afternoon waiting for the kids to get home as they get of school around 2:30)

Ahana:"Yeah I am fine maa. Why?"

Angali:"you looked lost the whole day as if something was bothering you"

Ahana:"I don't know maa. Since morning I have this uneasy feeling and I tried to ignore it thinking it will go away but no"

Shruti:"It happened some times Ahana. Maybe you are just exhausted "

Ahana:"Hope so Bhabhi"

Just then Ahana's phone rang. It was from the kids school. She looked confused as she picked up the call.


Principal:"Mrs. Malhotra can you please come to the school its important "

Ahana:"Sure but what's the matter "

Principal:"please just came we can discuss here"

Ahana:(Finding it weird )"Oh okay"(As she cut the call she turned to Angali )"Maa I gotto go to the kids school"

Angali:"Suddenly ?"

Ahana:"Idk what happened "

Preeti:"Don't worry bhabhi. The kids might have just done some michvious prank or something "

Ahana:"I'll go and see."

As she grabbed her bag and headed out she called Neil while getting into a auto.

Ahana:"Hello Neil"

Neil:"Ahana I was about to call you. The school called.."

Ahana:"Yeah I also got the call"

Neil:"Okay. do u want to me pick you up. All the cars are busy today"

Ahana:"No I took a auto. I'll meet you at school"

Neil:"Alright "

Ahana reached the kids school in about 15 mins or so. She headed to Principal's office but as she entered she was shocked to see police officer also present their. Soon after her Neil entered and had the same worried look Ahana held at the point.

Principal:"Mr. and Mrs. Malhotra please be seated"

Ahana:"Maam is everyone okay. Where are their police officers here"

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