Chapter 56| Bungee Jumping

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As they stood in line for bungee jumping, everyone decided who wants to actually try it. Preeti turned to Ahana and Neil for their decision while Shruti and Rohan moved out of the line and by the bridge railing to gain a better view.

Preeti:"What about you Ahana bhabhi?"

Ahana:"oh No no I won't go"

Neil:"Rubbish we are going"( He said holding Ahana's hands while he eyes widen)

Ahana:"What? No Neil. I won't go"

Neil:"Trust me Ahana it will be fun"

Ahana:"What fun? what so fun in falling from a bridge and almost dieing "

Neil:(Laughing)" Shona no one is dieing. And you won't know it's fun if you don't try it"

Ahana:"Neil Please na. Be like Rohan Bhai and agree with me"

Neil:"Ahana why don't you be like Sid and agree to me"( Ahana made a whiney face while Neil gave her wink as they heard The worker call the next person in line which was Sid and Preeti)

As the worker strapped Sid and Preeti to the strings, Rohan clicked few pics of them. Preeti was happily smiling while Sid looked concerned at the river flowing below.

Sid:"jaan you for sure want to do this"( he said as the worker started to position them to the edge of the platform)

Preeti:( excitedly) "ofcourse "

Worker:"Will you jump or do you need a push "

Preeti:(before Sid could speak)"We will jump."

Ahana watched as the worker counted from 3 to 1 before she saw Sid and Preeti falling and Sid's scream along with Preeti's woahhhh was heard. After few mins, the string stopped bouncing and Sid and Preeti were pulled up slowly.

Preeti:(As the worker opened  the straps )"Omg bhabhi that was damn fun. You will enjoy"

Sid:"God I feel like vomiting, but yeah it was a great experience"( He said causing Neil to chuckled)

After Sid and Preeti, Sameer and Ryan went. They enjoyed the ride like Preeti. All this while Ahana was getting anxious. As their turn came closer, her heartbeat raised.  As the worker started to open Sameer and Ryan's strap, Ahana felt a warm hand slip into hers comforting her. Ahana looked up to see Neil giving her a assuring smile.

Neil:"It's okay shona. I am here"(Ahana looked into Neil's eyes which calmed her)

Worker:(Breaking their eyelock)"Next"

Ahana:(In her mind)" okay let's get this over with. Stay calm Ahana. It will be over in 2 seconds.( She said trying to calm her heart but next second she want to cry seeing the height)

Worker:"So which pose would you like. facing each other or back to back."( They were sending the pairs down by these to poses only. Mostly couples such as Preeti and Sid were facing each other only while other such as Sameer and Ryan or friends used the back to back pose.)

Neil:"We will take the first one"

Neil and Ahana stood facing each other as the worker strapped them individually before he strapped them two together. By the end of all the process. Ahana and Neil were literally glued to each other. On one hand Ahana found it relaxing as she could hug Neil and hide her face in his chest which gets rid of her nervousness but on the other hand she also found herself a little embarrassed as being this close to Neil in public more so in front of her family members.

Worker:(Explaining the instructions which he told everytime)" Okay. When you fall, you will bounce up and down few times. Try not to move you legs in and out because that can cause the string to swing. When the bouncing stops we will give a signal before pulling you up. That process will take few mins please be patient as it is for your safety."

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