Chapter 38| Chocolate Romance

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Ahana:"it's okay buaji I am not even comparing myself to her. She is a god bua ji but tell me one thing. Parvati ji respected her husband, but Shiv ji also respected his wife. He always treated her as his equal. So what's the problem with Maa being treated as Papa equal. Preeti being treated as sid's equal and Shruti bhabhi being treated as Rohan bhai equal."(All looked at Ahana who calmly explained this to Bua ji who looked at her at loss of words.)" Where is it written in any religion that Men are superior then women. It is stated that in each women lies Lakshmi ( god) Then why should they not be treated with equal respect as men. Bua ji the world has progressed alot. Now women are given that right.  But still in this world people like to make women lower then men. Why?"

Bua:(Who was till now loss of words just stood up)"You all have became modern and forgotten Your own religious Values. I don't want to sit here and listen to you explain me why my moral are wrong. Don't forget I have seen the world more then you. I know what a women can achieve when they try to be modern."(Saying so she left leaving Ahana in a deep thought)

Rahul:(Sighing)"Ahana beta don't take her words to heart. I know your trying your best to give the women of this house the same respect as men in jiji's eyes but it is hard."

Sid:"This one week will be literal torture"(He said as be left for his room)

One by one everyone left leaving Ahana and Neil alone in the room. Neil stood up as he walked and sat next to Ahana.

Neil:(Pulling her into a side hug)"What happened Ahana you look lost)

Ahana:"I...I don't know. I feel that there something more to Bua ji that we are missing."

Neil:(Confused)"Why would you say that?"

Ahana:"i don't know her words seemed as if they had hidden meaning to it. I might just be over thinking"

Neil:" It okay don't stress over her. it's only 1 week we can get through it"

Ahana:"One long week Neil. It's only been 3 hours since she arrived and we have gotten into so many problems"

Neil:"It's will be fine Ahana."(Ahana looked into his eyes and nodded as she leaned into his chest while he kissed her forehead)

Few Hours later...

In the kitchen. Ahana was making a cake batter. It was Aryan demand to eat chocolate cake. How can Ahana say no when her baby said it so cutely. Rahul and Angeli had Taken Buaji to the mandir as she wanted to visit it. Sid and Preeti had gone out on a date while Shruti was in her room  spending some time with her husband. Neil was in his room working on his laptop while the kids were in the game room playing.

Ahana:(Looking at the batter in the YouTube video tutorial vs her own batter)"It's it a little to thick. Maybe I should mix for few more mins"(She said to herself as she mixed the batter. )

Just then she felt a pair of arms wrap around her making her jump. She soon recognized the touch. Neil had back hugged her from the back. A blush came upon her face as her heartbeat raised. Their first back Hug. She was sure if the bowl was not on the counter, she would gave surely dropped it on the ground.

Neil:(as he nuzzled into her neck)"Hi"(He whispered cutely. His voice was husky as he looked a little tired.)

Ahana:"h..hi"(She mumbled still conscious of their position and closeness but as for Neil it felt like he had forgotten everything)

Neil:(Looks at her flushed face and realized what he had done)"I..I am sorry "(He back up as he looked down embarrassed rubbing his hands over his neck)"I...I. was tried that I didn't notice when I.. hugged you..I.. sorry if you felt uncomfortable. I just"

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