Chapter 49| Family Time

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Exactly 20 mins after Neil's call, Neil had reached Prabha's House. He rang the door bell and Ahana opened it with a smile.

Neil:(Side hugged Ahana as he enters the house)"Hey shona"(He move forward and saw Prabha. As he touched her feet for blessings before hugging her)"Hey Maa how are you?"

Prabha:"I am fine beta. Come sit na"

Neil settled down on the sofa as Prabha brought snacks and Dahi Bhalla for him.

Ahana:"Maa you didn't make any of my favorite sweets but you made Neils "(She said with a fake angry face)

Prabha:"We had you favorite lunch only today Ahana"(She said looking at ahana with a smile at her cuteness )

Neil:"She didn't make because she loves her son more then her daughter."(He said side hugging Prabha)"Right maa?"

Ahana:"Maa see him naaa"

Prabha:(Laughs)"You both have 3 kids but still act like 3 year olds at this age"

Neil:(eating a spoon full of Dahi Bhalla)" Don't worry maa. Even when we have 4 or 5 kids then also we will stay the same"(Ahana eyes widen at his words and she takes a pillow and hit him on the shoulder)

Ahana:"Neilll"(she said trying to scold him but fails due to his word)

Neil:"What? What I said is true only na. "(Prabha looks at the couple in front of her and smiles.  Ahana and Neil's happiness were shown in their eyes. Their love was shown through their actions. She was happy that her kids were finally happy. They both had gone through so much to reach this point)

Neil:(looking at his watch)"Maa we should leave. It's almost time to pick the kids up. And if we make them wait for even 1 min, Then their tantrums will be on another level."

Ahana:"Yeah maa Neil right. I clearly remember last time they had to wait for 2 min because I was late due to traffic and due to that small mistake I had to get each of them 2 icecreams"

Ahana and Neil bid bye to Prabha before they headed to the kids school. While Neil was driving his one hand was intertwined with Ahana's hand that rested on his lap. Soft romantic music played in the background as the 10 min drive to the school came to an end. Neil and Ahana got out of the car and heard the school bell ringing, indicating that school has come to an end.

Neil and Ahana saw Aryan coming out of the school holding Naira's hand who looked upset while Aryan had a angry look on his face. Ansh followed them behind with a cute angry look as well. Behind Ansh was Naira's class teacher. Neil and Ahana's frowned seeing their kids faces as they headed towards them.

Ahana:(as she walked next to Neil towards the kids)"I think something happened"

Neil:"it's for sure related to Naira. Aryan's protectiveness can be clearly seen by the way he is holding her hand."

Ahana:"Hello Maam"(Ahana said as she greeted the teacher while her hands went on Aryan and Naira's shoulder as a comfort move)

Teacher:"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Malhotra. I would actually like to have a word with you."

Neil:"Did something happened?"

Teacher:"Actually yes. Today Aryan and Ansh pushed a boy "

Ahana:"Why?"(She asked knowing that Aryan and Ansh would never do something like this without a reason )"

Teacher:"Well (A smile almost broke on the teachers face but she stopped it)"the reason is cute but still pushing another kid is not right. Because of this I didn't invovle the principle but I thought I should let you know"

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