Chapter 69| More revelations

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Prabha:( Looking down as she felt more guilty)" Ahana Beta. Your ..Parents didn't die by accident. Th...They were killed by...Rajeev"

Neil:" WHAT?" ( words left Neil mouth in disbelief as he looked towards Ahana who had paled by now.)

Prabha:(Closing her eyes)" Sadly it's the truth. We are so sorry Ahana"

Neil turned towards Ahana who looked almost emotionless at the point. The moment when she heard the news of her mom and Dad, Their dead body came in her mind.

Neil:(shaking Ahana a bit)" Ahana...Ahana...Shona say something "( All he received was utter silence. This state of Ahana scared Neil as he shock her one last time) "AHANA!!"

The jerk brought her out of her trance as fresh tears flooded from her eyes. Her eyes looked at Neil with desperate need. The need for him to comfort her. The need for him to tell her it was all a lie. She looked at Prabha and Sanjeev who held their heads down in guilt of what their son had done.

Neil:"Shona"(Neil called out softly this time as Ahana turned towards him)

Ahana:"Ne...neil he...he can't do that...he...he can't kill my parents... he wouldn' they ...were have I's all my fault...I.. I.. "

Neil:(Taking Ahana in his embrace as he hide her face in his chest soothing her)" Hey Hey Hey's not you fault none of it is.. It's that bastard fault. Ahana you gave all your pure love and trust to him. It's not your fault if he broke it. That his mistake. And blaming yourself like this won't get your parents justice. Giving Rajeev what he deserves will"

She looked at Neil who gave her a reassuring smile before wiping her tears and giving her a forehead kiss. She relaxed a little with his touch and turned to Prabha.

Ahana:"Ma...please tell me fully what happened that day"(She asked emotionally overwhelmed at this point)

Prabha:(looked at Sanjeev who nodded )" Beta that day was the day we got to know about our sons deed. After we all thought Ansh was kidnapped, We had heard the destination the kidnappers had called us You at. So we followed you and Rajeev. We saw that Rajeev left you and went inside alone. We also went in."

Sanjeev:"Ahana the scene inside horrified us. Rajeev was there with Your mom and Dad. And...And Ansh was...."

Ahana:"Ansh was what papa?"

Sanjeev:( Gulped as if remembering a horrifying scene)" He was hanging. Above water."

Ahana/ Neil:"What?!"

Prabha:"Ahana they had tied Ansh's cloth on a pole and Ansh layed on the cloth which dangled over the cold water."

Sanjeev:"We moved closer trying to free Ansh when we heard Rajeev. He had a gun and he was threatening Your mom and Dad. He was blackmailing them with Ansh's life."

Prabha:"Ahana we tried to stop him. We begged and we cried but wasn't my son from that moment he had turned in a psycho."

Sanjeev:"He shot them in front of us. He murdered them in front of our eyes and heartlessly laughed at their dying souls."( He said as tears rolled down his eyes)

Prabha:"We were cornered and we threatened him to call the police in a attempt to get Ansh in a save place but nothing worked. He..he was gonna kill Ansh. He... He thought this would give him freedom from you and your relation. He wanted a fresh start with the girl he...he cheated with. "

Sanjeev:"He was about to kill Ansh when a lady. A true angle came and held ansh before he fell in the water. It was a miracle as she came from no where. She truly was a pure soul. "

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