Chapter 81 | Our family

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Babies are hectic to handle. On top of that to handle a new born along with 3 other kids is hard too. Yes it's a great adventure but it is also tiring as hell. These few months Ahana and Neil had to experienced these feeling after about 4 years or so. Things seemed new to them but at the same time it felt natural.

They struggled as they handled the baby's tantrums as well as the kids problems. They had to balance their time to give the kids and baby enough time everyday. Some days were so hectic, Ahana had started to cry at the night. but together they handled everything perfectly.

As if now, Neil entered his room after returning from office. He entered his room tired as he throw his coat on the chair and loosed up his tie when he heard a squeal and clapping. A smile came upon his face as he turned to the noise to see his Daughter. His 10 months old Navya standing in her crib as she held onto the railing. A huge grin on her face as she watched her father.

Neil:"Hey...sweetheart "( He said as he picked her in his arms and kissed her forehead while she giggled in his arms)"What's my baby doing huh?"

He heard the washroom tap close indicating that Ahana was inside. He walked towards the bed and sat down with Navya in his arms.

Neil:"So princess. Mumma left our poor baby alone huh? My baby was bored hmm?"( Neil cooed as he tickled her slightly as she squealed laughing)

Ahana:(Entering the room as she wiped her face with the towel)" Oh...You came"

Ahana headed and sat next to Neil as he played with Navya in his arms. Ahana sat on the bed lost in her thoughts when she felt her hair being pulled. She looked towards her side to see Neil looking at her worried while Navya smiling as she played with Ahana's hair on her figures.

Ahana:(Untangling her hair from Navya's Fingers before she kissed her small hand)"What happened Baby...Navu wants to eat ?"

Navya just kept herself busy as she chewed on a toy she got in her hands. Neil saw Navya busy and turned to Ahana.

Neil:"What happened shona? You seemed lost in your thoughts today"

Ahana:(Sighed)"Nothing Neil. Shruti called today."


Ahana:"You might not remember but when we went bowling for the first time. I met a friend there. She is shruti"

Neil:"How can I forget our first unofficial date"

Ahana:(Laughs)"You would have burned a hole in anger to a person who said this that day "

Neil:"Well time changed and so have I. That time I was the broken Neil. Now I am your Neil."( He said as he leaned in a kissed her cheek)

Ahana:(Eyes widen)"Neill! Baby!"

Neil:(laughs)"oh common shona she wouldn't understand a think. "

Ahana:"Stop going off topic."

Neil:"Ok okay...So what happened?"

Ahana:"Well she called. Apparently my college batch is having a reunion. Everyone is invited with family. She was asking if we will join. I said no. But she kept insisting so I said I'll see."

Neil:"Why don't you want to go. Ahana it's a great opportunity. You meet your old friends. Plus I'd love to see your college and meet you friends "

Ahana:"I would love that too Neil if things were normal, but they aren't "


Ahana:"Neil... you that college is where Rajeev and I met. Where our...well it has memories. And most importantly our batchmates. They all think I and Rajeev are married. No body knows what has happened in these 8 to 9 years. It will be awkward for you if they bring up Rajeev or if we have to explain everything again"

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