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I blinked once, then twice, then again before completely rubbing my eyes raw.

Was I seeing things correctly? Was the sickness something more deadly and serious making me see things or were the pills Eurus had given me hallucinogens? I just be going crazy because the sight before me contradicted everything!

I mean sure, we had all hung out before but this was different. This required more than just putting up with each other. This demanded coordination, precision and ultimately, cooperation.

Was Eurus seriously helping Rian cook?

"Florenncee!" Remus called out, drawing my attention from the two as they stepped away from each other and flowed almost in an exact synchronisation.

I set my eyes on the male as he slapped the mask onto his head. I beamed a bright smile as he pushed away his black curls and stared down at me with nothing but excitement.

"Do you like it?" He asked whilst ripping the packaging apart and handing me the mask. I looked down at the fabric and then back at him. It was something so silly but I could tell it meant a lot to him. I thought his obsession with bunnies was cute, but this took it to another level.

"I like it a lot, Remus!" I assure him, sleeping on the mask and tilting my head slightly to show it off. He didn't say anything more but the wide smile he had on and the pure joy behind his eyes told me a lot.

We messed around for a bit, talking about the movies and shows we watched whilst fiddling with each other's masks. It was silly fun.

He always kept in mind the fact that I was still sick so when he got a little too hyped and he raised his voice he always stopped himself before he got too loud for me. It was sweet knowing he cared enough to take into account his actions.

Whilst we continued our childish games Rian announced he was finished and dished us up a plate, serving it to us right there on the beds.

I watched with hungry eyes as he handed me a plate topped with the fluffiest pancakes I had ever seen. There was an assortment of berries on top as well as a syrup gliding down and a even bacon and eggs! When he said he was making me breakfast I expected just a bowl of cereal but this was far better. If it weren't for my stuffy nose I probably would've salivated more over the smell but hey, you can't win them all.

"Rian!" I gasped and he jumped. "This looks so good!" I picked up a knife and fork and began eating, a little ashamed I couldn't taste it to its full extent because of my cold. I took my mask off my head just because it was getting in the way.

He closed his eyes and frowned slightly, a small pink forming on his cheeks. "I-It's just pancakes. Anyone can do them." He brushed off, taking a small bite of his own. It was kind of cute watching him get flustered about it.

Remus practically moaned as he ate his like a starved dog. I wasn't one to judge, however. I probably looked the same.

"Thish tastes better than the hotel pancakesh!" He claimed, a mouth full of berries and dough. I liked his side whilst laughing and trying not to choke on my own pancakes.

Eurus took a bite and his eyes lit up. He didn't voice his approval, however and opted to just simply take another bite and chew quietly. "It's... above average."

Rian scoffed. "Piss off! They're more than just 'above average'!"

Remus and I chew silently as we watched their squabble unfold. It was entertaining.

"I think you're full of yourself." Eurus laughed. "The only reason they're so fluffy is because I folded the mix properly."

Rian deadpanned. "You claimed that the spatula was hard on your wrist so you used the electric mixer. I had to do it properly," he snickered. Eurus opened his mouth, presumably to argue but shut it again.

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