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"The amount of times you've used the word stud in the last half hour honestly concerns me.." I muttered, climbing into the back seat of Josh's car with Liza.

"What can I say? All three of them are mega studs! And you've been asked out by two of them!" Josh squealed excitedly. I decided to tell him about their messages and respond to both Eurus and Remus. I didn't want another incident like last time.

"Did you say yes? There's no way anyone could pass up an opportunity like this!" Liza sighed dreamily. These two were out of their minds.

"Well I didn't say yes." I muttered out, quickly checking their responses. It took less than a minute for both of them to respond. "You didn't say no either!" Josh pointed out. I groaned loudly and switched my phone off.

"I couldn't say no!" I protested. All I really told them was that I was going. Something along the lines of 'oh, what a coincidence! I was going with a couple friends.'

Yeah, something like that. And by a couple friends I meant just Liza and Josh.

I could pretend all I wanted but deep down I was excited to see them again. The giddiness that formed in my chest was so strong that it completely forgot to remind me that they were also enemies, both coming to meet me. It was almost scary how much I didn't... bother to give a second thought. This new feeling- this feeling of being noticed by them was unfamiliar but addictive.

Maybe I was just being selfish.

"So, rides, stalls or petting zoo first?" Josh asked as we pulled onto the main road. I had to think about it for a second but Liza obviously didn't need a second thought.

"Petting zoo! I heard they brought actual alpacas!" She squealed right into my ear. I gasped dramatically and covered my ears just to piss her off which resulted in a small slap across the shoulder.

"Petting zoo? Really? Animals stank real bad." I groaned. I couldn't really describe it that well but all petting zoos had the weird smell of hay and animal shit.

"Everyone has to deal with a little bullshit in their lives, Flo." Liza groaned.

"Both metaphorically and literally," Josh chimed.

"Ooh, do you think they'll have bulls?"

I rolled my eyes at her stupid question. I didn't mind where we went first, just that nothing went to awry and that we managed to do a little bit of everything before we left. Not that it mattered, the festival lasted a few days. 

I was torn between whether or not to feel excited or worried. There were so many possibilities for things to go wrong but there was this underlying feeling of giddiness I received. This mixture of clouded emotions was confusing, but it was addicting.

It didn't take us long to get to the main attraction which didn't help with my confusion feelings but I got some relief when we parked and my lungs were greeted with fresh air.

We got out the car and headed the the ticket booth where Josh happily paid for all of us. I still felt bad for allowing him to pay for me but this has always been his way of officially apologising so I let it slide.

As soon as we made it through the crowd of people waiting to get in I was instantly hit with a wave of nostalgia. The smells of fairy floss and animal dung, the sound of children cheering and boisterous voices of the comms and the entire bustle of the place hit me like a truck and made me feel like I was a child again. It took me back to a place where things were simple and more wholesome.

Dragon Lover | B X B X B X BOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz