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Josh and Liza left hours ago so I was left alone for awhile. It gave me time to think of excuses or answers to why I lied but I came to the conclusion that I had no good excuses and there would be too many questions to answer.

Why did Eurus invite me of all people? Why did I say yes? Why did I lie about going? Why have I supposedly become 'less confident'? Too many questions too many things to think about.

My phone began to ring so I paused whatever I had been watching on Netflix and answered the call. I didn't even have time to ask who it was before the voice on the other end began talking.

"I had my assistants gather suitable clothes for tonight-"

"I'm sorry what? Who is this?" I asked. I lifted my phone to my face and read the number, then the one on my phone. Oh. How could I be so stupid? "Eurus Meade, of course," he laughed. "Anyway, I had your mother fitted and I just called to tell you your clothes are being delivered soon." I sat up immediately and found myself looking over at the front door as if he was standing right there. "Oh- thank you! You really didn't have to-" he cut me off before I could finish. "Of course I did! I've seen what you wear out of work- not that I've been watching you but consider it a favor." He rambled, then mumbled something incoherent. I didn't think what I wore was bad? Maybe not 'high-class, sophisticated and sleek' but it wasn't horrible!

"I hope you don't have anything against the color green? If you do then that'll be a problem." He spoke up again, nearly startling me. "No, not at all?" I answered. He made a relieved sigh. "Good. Your mother is on her way now. Shouldn't be too long!" He cheered. "I hope you're excited for tonight." If only he knew how much I was panicking.

"It's nearly seven so your clothes will be there in an hour. Any questions?" He quickly added. I was about to ask how he managed to get my number or maybe what time we were leaving the party but once again he cut me off. "Great, Goodbye!" He dismissed then the call ended. Eurus was a weird dude.

After that there was nothing much left to do except watch Netflix. I scrolled through my 'already watched' since I didn't feel like starting something new so I began to rewatch Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. After about half a seasons worth of episodes the door swung open, startling me.

"Flo! I'm home!" Mom yelled. Her eyes landed on me and she looked exhausted. "That was a long shopping trip," I commented. She didn't seem to happy. "The Eurus guy sent his assistant to get my dress fitted, then we had to drive an hour away to go get the actual dress, then back to get shoes!" She groaned, kicking off her sneakers and dropping the many bags she was carrying on the kitchen island. "They're coming back to do my hair and I am considering just locking the front door and pretending I'm alseep!"

I snorted, throwing the remote aside and going over to peek inside the bags. "Expensive," I observed, picking up the price tag and dropping it instantly. "Very expensive!" She rolled her eyes while she grabbed a drink. "I know right? Never thought spending money would be exhausting!" She cried.

I laughed then looked at the clock. It would probably be best if I showered by them time the clothes arrived. "I'll go take a shower," I said. She nodded, taking sip of her water. "I'll go water the plants out front then I'll take one. Hopefully I don't ruin my new nails" she muttered then dragged herself outside. I laughed, then got ready for another shower. Hopefully I could think of something to tell Josh and Liza whilst I was in there.

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