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After my mini breakdown in the mausoleum I tried my best to sober up and make myself look like I hadn't just been crying. She, of course, noticed and asked if I wanted to talk about it. I didn't really know what to say. I felt the need to explain myself but the conflicted with what dad had written in his letter.

Ultimately I decided to shake my head and ask to be driven to the hotel. I could tell by the way she pressed her lips into a thin line that she wanted to press further but instead of any words there was a turn of a key and the roar of an engine.

We drove in silence, the distant roll of thick dark clouds distracting me for while. Though it was summer it was still humid and there was a promise of a thunderstorm tonight. It took my mind off a few things knowing I'd have the possible comfort of rain tonight.

It didn't take us too long to reach the hotel and as I hopped out the car we silently said our goodbyes. It didn't feel awkward or tense, only... like a half goodbye.

As soon as my eyes landed on the hotel entrance I could practically feel the tense atmosphere leaking from inside. The new guards seemed to multiply in numbers as they swarmed the place, flowing in and out of both the main doors and the side entrances.

Reluctantly I approached the doors. Inside wasn't as bad as I though, at first.

People everywhere seemed to be in a panic. People ran left to right, guards passed me with an extra thud with every step, employees tried to calm the guests but was this kind of environment it was hard to ground anyone!

People crowded around in one particular area, all trying to get into the middle. I was instantly drawn to crowd- for whatever crazy reason- and tried to peek over the sea of heads who we were all surrounding. I caught a glimpse, on tiny, singular glimpse of a head of tied up auburn hair and the curly strands of ink black abyss and instantly recognised them purely off the top of their heads.

"Remus! Rian!" I called out over the bustling crowd in hopes they'd hear me over the loud frenzy that was this mass grouping. It only took two words for them to start heading towards me, the crowd moving like a hive mind to avoid bumping into them. It only took a few seconds for the crowd to part and the two to stand directly infront of me with matching distressed looks.

"Florence.." they both breathed out in unison, their tense shoulders dropping. "W-What happened? Everyone's panicking in here!" I observed, quickly taking my eyes off theirs and throwing my gaze elsewhere. "Word got out Eurus is leaving. Shit hit the fan pretty quick." Rian responded, a tired tone resonating off of him.

My heart dropped into my stomach. Eurus was leaving. He didn't want to sign the peace treaty and now he's going to leave without another word. It hurt me just thinking about him leaving without saying goodbye.

"The council is trying to convince him to stay but they can't even get him to leave his room, the fucking idiot." Rian grumbled.

"His guards won't leave their posts at his door. You're the only person left who might be able to talk to him." Remus sighed. Judging by the look on his face I could tell he wanted to say more but the time and place were wrong. I felt... icky inside thinking about how I left him. How I left both of them.

"Please, Florence. I know you're mad at us but you're our only option." Rian pleaded, showing me another side to him. A side I didn't realise existed with him.

His words resonated within my head as I tried to make sense of it. What made them think I was their last option? It was baffling to me. But this was serious and if I really was their last option it not only meant I could convince him to stay but I could make him think twice about the treaty.

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