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Mild TW!!!

Mentions VERY LIGHTLY of self harm. It isn't in detail and it doesn't get too graphic but I thought I'd throw in this disclaimer just to be safe!


"It hurts." I shamelessly whined, clutching my chest and sinking further into the comfort of the pleather couch. It was had only been a day after that disastrous ending at the festival but the pain I felt in my chest still lingered. "It hurts so bad."

"I think you're just being dramatic." Midas hummed from his position on the floor. Why he chose to do some yoga while I was literally dying I had no idea. I decided to stay at his place instead of my hotel room just to avoid Florence. He was clearly mad at me and it hurt my heart more just thinking about how much he didn't want anything to do with me. "I'm not being dramatic! I-I have no idea why I'm hurting but I don't fucking like it!" I shouted, the house almost shaking. Midas simply scoffed.

It sucked. This pang of guilt that twisted at my heart was by far the most annoying wound that's ever been inflicted upon me. I had zero clue on what it was so I couldn't treat it. There wasn't anyone I could see that could help fix it and the person who inflicted I couldn't hurt! There was another twist of pain at the thought of hurting Florence but this time it wasn't only trapped in my chest. It spread to the outermost regions of my body making ever fibre of my being ache with guilt. The feeling gave me goosebumps and not in the good way.

"Maybe try talking to him? Honestly, Remus, you're proving to be quite thick-skulled." Midas grunted as he reached a new pose. I wanted more than anything to kick him right in his square jaw. I wanted so desperately to talk to him but I couldn't- I didn't know how to. He probably didn't even want to talk to me anyways.

Thinking about how he practically retracted from my touch made me sick. The way he didn't even stay to hear us out- to hear me was enough to make me vomit. I had built up enough courage within myself to even consider Florence a friend only to have that confidence blown right back at my face in the form of a mental fist.

I wanted to fight, to hunt, to kill but the words Florence let loose permanently say in the back of my mind. It took whatever bloodlust I had and reduced it to nothing but more chest ache.

"Seriously Midas, I think there's something wrong with me." I muttered as the chest ache got worse. "T-This chest ache-"

"Chest ache?" He interrupted with a snicker, his deep blue eyes sliding my way. "I guess we should add 'hopeless romantic' to your long list of flaws? It's called heart ache, cousin."

I growled at his comment. I had no idea what a hopeless romantic was but it sounded like something I'd enjoy killing.

A few long, agonising minutes of silence passed as Midas resumed his yoga while I tried to control my breathing. I thought it would help somewhat with the heart ache but it didn't. It only reminded me of him, and how much he probably hated me and everything I stand for.

I just wanted this pain to stop. I wanted this ache to fade.

I wanted to talk to him.



Normally I would have at least fifty odd apologies ready to send to Florence but for once in my life I had no plan. I had no well thought out route I could take, no messages I could send, no presents I could give- zero.

Samson gave his two cents and said nothing more to me. Judging by the way his shoulders tensed and the way he carelessly let his glasses slip down the bridge of his nose I could tell he was angry or at the very least ticked off. I told him what had happened, what Florence had said and explained to him my answer. Somewhere along the way I was so focused on Florence that I let it slip that I had no intention of signing this treaty. First Florence now him, what was with people today!

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