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I couldn't help but stare at my phone. I had just gotten two texts from Eurus and Remus. One was an entire page's worth of text and the other was a few sentences. I felt so nervous, for some odd reason. Eurus was intimidating and Remus was oddly sweet but they were both warlords. Though I had to admit, I got a surge of excitement every time they talked or approached me.

I opened Eurus' first and read word-for-word the long message. It was basically a very drawn out invitation to the festival. There was something sweet but oddly ominous about the message but the small swell in my heart wanted to ignore the underlying message. My fingers hovered over my screen, eagerly wanting to reply but instead I hesitated. I opened Remus' message and read the short message. It wasn't exactly what I was expecting from Remus, as it wasn't so much an invitation but more of a notice. "It's Remus. I will be attending the festival. See you there."

I gulped. Maybe he didn't know how to work a phone and that's why the message was a bit awkward. Or maybe he was just awkward.

I gave a slight groan, not knowing how to respond to either. My phone was starting to get slightly wet from my damp hands. I didn't have time to dry myself after I had a shower and now it was starting to bother me. Honey poked his cold snout to my leg and looked up at me with those big ever-curious eyes. "It would totally be weird if I accepted Eurus' invitation to the festival then introduce him to Josh and Liza, right?" I asked the canine. Obviously he didn't understand me but I needed something to confide in. "Remus is going to show up anyway so I would still have a problem if I declined the invitation- wait how did he get my number?" I wondered aloud.

I looked back at my phone and stared at the 'unknown number' which I now knew was Remus. "How do these men keep getting my number?!"

I sighed, pulling at my dirty blonde locks in frustration before chucking my phone on the couch. I just needed a fresh set of clothes and a fresh mind set. Then I would have a definite answer and a solution.

I decided to push it to the back of my mind and get ready. It wasn't for a couple more hours but it would help take my mind off things for while.



Excitement bubbled in my chest as I got ready for my outing. This would be my second time spending time with Florence and I was going to do everything in my power to not let it get ruined.

I decided to take a break from staring at his message and go back to picking out what to wear.

"You are totally whipped, cousin." Midas scoffed, popping a cherry into his mouth and smiling at me like the Cheshire Cat he was. "I have no idea what that means but I'm certainly not whipped." I retorted. He hummed and judging by that look on his face he didn't seem convinced. "Do you think he likes the colour blue or yellow?" I quickly changed the subject.

"Mm, like I said, whipped."

I brushed off his comment and looked in the ridiculously large mirror. There were tons of remarks I could've volleyed back at him but my stupid head couldn't think of the words to put it in. "Tell me, cousin, why this boy is so important? I mean you barely utter anything to anyone yet you've asked him out!" He said with awe. I felt somewhat insulted but also excited by the idea of going out with Florence.

"I'm protecting him." I muttered. It felt weird to talk about it- it felt weird to talk at all! This was probably the longest conversation I've had with Midas. To my surprise he didn't scoff and tell me that it was a stupid reason. "From what, exactly?" He asked. I didn't answer, mainly because I was deciding whether or not to tell him. I knew about his past with Eurus so I didn't know how he would react.

"From things." I gritted out. I took a break from trying to pick out what to wear and picked up my phone again to look at the message. "I'm going to need a little bit more information than that, cuz. Does it have anything to do with why you were so down when I invited you over?" He tried again. I huffed in slight annoyance and that stupid feeling filled my chest again. Defeat.

I practiced for years on my next confrontation with him and yet he still managed to win. I knew that he read emotions like they were open books and that I should've shielded mine more but when he mentioned Florence I lost it. It made me bubble over in anger that even to this very day he could still best me with just his words.

"No, it doesn't. It will dampen my mood for the evening and I want to have the best experience possible with him." I deflected with a grunt. I twisted my head to glare at him and in response he held his hands up in mock defence. "Okay, fine." He mumbled, finishing off the last of his fruit platter. "You totally have a crush on him though."

I refrained from hurtling one of his ornate golden sculptures and his head and instead decided to take a calming breath. "I don't. I've known him for such a short amount of time- it's impossible." I argued. He shrugged while shoving his dish into the sink.

"I suggest maybe focusing more on this alliance. That's the entire reason you're here, is it not?" He suggested. I rolled my eyes and looked down at my feet. "You should know by now that the alliance isn't going to happen." I said blatantly. I could tell from the start that this had no future in succeeding. "None of us want this war to end. The humans are only trying because we continue to threaten their resources and stability everyday."

Midas sighed. "If you really want to protect him you should try and end this war." He added as one of his many strange notes of wisdom. "If this war continues, Remus, that boy's life will be caught up in the bloodshed." I felt something weigh down on me like a heavy blanket and my heart seized for a minute. "Maybe I should.." I thought aloud. He hummed in agreement and tapped patiently on the counter top.

"So when am I dropping you off?"

I'm so sorry for the long wait guys! I hit a complete stump with my writing and after a few weeks of trying to force myself to write something I had to take a break. I have the ideas, just not the words.

Anyways, I'm hoping to come back and write some more because I was honestly missing my boys.

Thoughts and predictions are welcome, as always.


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