Chapter Four

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                       ~Wilbur P.O.V~
After breakfast I head up to my room I decided to get dressed before we head to the store, I don't know about phil but I at least just decided to ignore the events from last night as things like that were commo from myself as well

I put on my yellow sweater and grab a light grey beenie off my dresser and decide to grab one of my extra beenies and bring it over to tommy's room considering it was chilly out

I walk over to the boys room and find him sitting on his bed dressed in a grey shirt and some old jeans, although the shirt was long sleves it didn't seem like he had a jacket (witch he assumed they would buy at the store)

"hey Tom's" I said as I walked into the boys room, "oh hello Wilbur" tommy said looking at the teen who walked in his room. "Wil, you can just call me wil if you want I mean that's what phil and techno call me anyway" Wilbur said with a side smile

"Ok, Wil?" Tommy replied now looking at the floor again, "well Toms, I'm going to call you that from now on by the way. I was wondering if you would like a beenie since a it's kinda cold outside?" Wilbur said handing tommy the hat, "Thank you, and it's fine" tommy replied putting the hat on his head

"Hey nerd's it's time to go" techno said in a playful way  from the doorway "cool let's go" I replied tommy just nodded his head and followed us out to the car where phil was waiting

(Time skip to where they're at the store, Idk)

                      ~Tommys P.O.V.~
We arrive at the store, we all get out of the car amd Phil's says "ok Will, and techno? Can you to run over to the food section and grab apples, eggs, and milk, please? Then meet me and tommy at the clothes area" the boys nodded now at the entrance of the store

Wilbur and techno grabbed a basket and started over the the food part of the store

He and phil started going where ever phil was leading him when they got to the clothes part of the store phil said "hey tommy why don't you pick out some clothes?" He smiled while he said this but tommy just nodded looking around

Tommy found a red and white baseball shirt and picked one up and ran over to where phil was (only like 4 steps away)

"Pardon me phil" tommy said with excitement in his voice

"Yea whats up tommy?" Phil said looking. Down at the boy, "phil! Can I please get this shirt you told me to pick some out but I only want this" tommy said holding up the shirt now looking at the ground

"Sure! But you do need to pick out more then just that shirt tommy" phil said turning his attention to his other sons walking up to them

"Nice shirt kid" techno said and chuckled a bit "don't you think!" Tommy said with even more excitement In his voice now that someone else those it was cool too

Phil was now standing behind tommy and smiled at his other to sons, "tommy why dont you pick out some pants at least" phil said to the boy

"Ok, but where are those?" Tommy said with the excitement from before leaving his voice, "well tommy, it seems you only want the one shirt, so how about this. I get you that red skirt as well as a yellow and blue one? And then to pairs of jeans for now" phil said now looking down at the child

Tommy nodded his head, after they got the shirts and jeans they went back to where techno and wilbur were browsing
"Did you boys find anything you like?" Phil asked looking at his older to sons

"Phil I'm going to be honest with you, I want this crown" techno said holding up a plastic crown to his father

Phil chuckled and said "ok, I guess, and you will?" "Phil to be honest like techno was, I want another beenie. But I want a dark grey one that way it's special unlike all my light grey ones" wilbur said holding up the hat in question

Again phil chuckled and said "that's fine, I guess that's all since you boys got some groceries" the older to boys put they're crown and beenie in the cart and the started walking Towards the cash register area

End of chapter
Word count:761

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