Chapter 20

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"hi tommy" tubbo shouted as soon as tommy opened the door

"Hi tubbo!" Tommy yelled back

The boys then started off to the school

"Hey tommy! Your birthday is tomorrow isn't?" Tubbo asked after about a minute of walking

"Yes" tommy nodded

"Awsome do you think I can take you out?" Tubbo asked with a smile

"Pardon tubbo bit where" tommy questioned

"Well before you make it weird it's not a date date, I just want to take you to get matching bandanas" tubbo laughed

"Sure I would have to talk to phil though" tommy added

The rest of the walk was just small talk between the boys

When the boys arrived at school as suspected chase was sitting by tommy's locker

"Good morning chase" tubbo chimed when they got to tommy's locker

"Why are you hanging with someone like tommy?" Chase asked tubbo

"What do you mean I've known tommy for years" tubbo said standing behind tommy

"Of nothing he just got suspended for two day on his first day of school" chase shrugged

"Speaking of which weren't you also suspended? For longer then me?" Tommy said opening his locker

"I was not suspended thank you" chase said with a irritated tone

Chase walked away

The rest of the day was fine mostly tommy introducing him self to the classes

He and tubbo even have math, history and reading together

The boys also had lunch at the same time but that's normal

After school tommy was waiting at a tree by the front entrance for tubbo

"Hey tommy" wilbur said walking over with techno

"Hi" tommy muttered

"Don't forget I'm taking you out after we get homework done!" Wilbur exclaimed

"Oh yea" tommy chuckled

"Tommorows your birthday isn't?" Techno asked

Tommy nodded

Phil had told the boys but they hadn't realized it was that soon

"Do you have plans?" Techno asked another question

Tommy nodded

"Well how about after you are done with them you bring your friend home and we have ice cream cake?" Wilbur asked looking to techno for confirmation

Techno nodded

Tommy nodded as well

"Hey tommy" tubbo interrupted with a smile

"Hey tubbo" tommy replied with a small smile

"You guys must be wil and techno" tubbo asked the boys

Wilbur introduced him self and techno nodded

"Well while your here do you think Mr.phil would mind if I take tommy out tomorrow?' tubbo asked the boys

"Sure that's fine, would you like to come over after for some cake?" Wilbur asked

Tubbo nodded with a smile

"We do need to ask phil for confirmation though" techno added

Tubbo nodded

They four boys started walking home

Since phil was at work techno and wilbur walked with tommy and tubbo

When they arrived home tommy waved good bye to tubbo

The others walked inside

Techno went to the kitchen while wilbur went to the living room

Tommy followed techno to the kitchen

Techno was cooking or something while tommy sat at the island

After about 5 minutes techno sat a plate of pizza rolls (Cus that's all I could think of)

"Eat" techno said walking out with another plate for wilbur

Tommy stared downs at the plate for a moment before picking one up

He took small bites

After about 3 minutes techno walled back

By now tommy had eaten 2 pizza rolls

Techno went to the counter and grabbed his plate before sitting at the island next to tommy

Tommy are to more pizza rolls before sliding the plate away from him

Techno noticed this

"You have to eat 1 more if you want to go hang out with toby tomorrow" techno said still eating his pizza rolls

Tommy grabbed one and eat it

He of course was not pleased by this techno was

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