Chapter 24

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After about a half hour walk to the shops, Tubbo turns to take a right while tommy hose straight not noticing

Tubbo noticing this turns back around to find tommy how ever he was missing

"Tommy?" Tubbo called out "Tommy?!?"

~Tubbos P.O.V.~
I called out Tommy's name but I can't find him, I start to panic since I had a feeling he didnt know his way around here

Then I remembered I could call him

I grabbed my phone and called his contact

It started ringing

It rung once

It rung twice

Then it rung a third time

Then a fourth

Tommy answered on the fifth

"T-Tubbo? Where are you?" Tommy asked, his voice had cracked a slight bit but I didn't think much of it

"Where are you tommy I'll come find you?" I added all my panic leaving

"I'm not sure I'm by a beach and i-i think the street is 4th street (idk)"
Tommy said his voice again slightly cracking

"Ok I'm on my way Tom's, wait there" I said starting towards the Beach

"Can we stay on the call?" Tommy asked

"Of course Tom's" I added with a small smile

Tommy was my best friend

He's been my best friend for years

I still feel bad for leaving him alone at the orphanage, but I didn't have a choice

"Hey Tom's? To you like your family?" I asked try to make conversation, since 4th street was still ten minutes away

"I'm not sure, Dad I mean Phil is a nice guy, then there's techno and I think of him almost like a brother, same with wilbur. But I also don't fully trust them after what happened with all the foster familys, you know? But it also seems like they might not be those kind of people. Take techno for example he followed us when we went on a walk it was 6 hours! He even let phil know we didn't die, techno also go a hat like phil and beanie like will, that make me happy" tommy started

"There's also phil and he took me mini golfing that was fun, however he did make me tell him my birthday that was suspicious and he did take that kid Chase's side on the whole bus thing but I over reacted about that" tommy added

I hung up the call and gave tommy a hug when I finally found him

"Your so clingy tubbo" he joked

"I thought you got kidnapped or something! Your my best friend you know!" I said in my defense

Tommy chuckled

"Anyway what about wilbur?" I asked

"Well, Wilbur is awesome he dose music and stuff he even say he's 'jelaous' if the fact apparently phil and techno tried to bribe me" he smiled

Tommy smiled a real genuine smile for the first time in what felt like forever
Since tommy didn't smile much at the orphanage

"You smiled!" I added smiling my self

"Did i? I think your eyes are playing tricks on you" he replied

"Nope! You smiled a genuine smile and I know it, I am your best friend I can tell" tubbo nearly yelled

Tommy smiled even more at this

And so did tubbo

"Shoot I forgot to go to the shop I brought you down here for" tubbo said before grabing tommy's hand and dragging him to a near by store

~Tommy P.O.V.~
Once we got into the store tubbo had dragged me to you we went to the counter and got the items he had ordered prior and payed

We then walked out of the store

"So what's ing the bag?" I ask gesturing to the brown bag in his hands

"Well I'm surprised you don't know, I had mentioned it but close your eyes" tubbo answered

I closed my eyes and I could feel him wrap something around my neck i started to freck out so I opened my eyes and slapped his hands away

"It's ok Tom's I just gave you a bandana" tubbo reassured him

I nodded and looked at the green bandana it had my name engraved in the corner in black sticking

I then looked back to tubbo who was now wearing a red bandana with his name also engraved in the corner

"Do you like them I got us matching" tubbo said with the brightest smile on his face

"Toby I would like to say I would only accept a bandana from you" I said looking him in the eyes

"I know that's why it's special" he added smiling even brighter then before

We then started walking home although it was only noon

End of chapter
In sorry for not posting!
I've been a bit busy
Word count 789

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