Chapter 23

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The next morning Tommy woke up earlier then normal at around 6am

Tubbo was already awake so tommy said goodbye and hung up the phone

Tommy quickly got dressed for the day in his normal attire a red and white shirt and a pair of jeans

He went down stairs and was met with everyone sitting in the kitchen talking about something

They hadn't noticed tommy yet so he decided to ease drop

~Phils P.O.V.~

I was making breakfast when wilbur and techno came down

"Good morning boys" I said looking towards them

"Morning dad" they said in unison

After a few minutes if silence I finally spoke up "so I'll talk to some of our family friends to come over for the party too"

"That sounds good I can ask Niki to come over as well she want to meet tommy" wilbur added

"I guess I can talk to... Well actually I don't know anyone other then the people I assume your inviteing phil" techno said looking down

Wilbur and phil chuckled

"I'm only inviteing a few people, like dream, george, sapnap, eret, and skeppy, and bad" phil added

"That almost everyone we know" wilbur said looking towards phil

"Keyword almost, it's only around half I don't want to overwhelm the kid" Phil replied

"Good morning" tommy said walking through the door

"Good morning" we said in unison that was odd

Tommy heads over to sit at the island next to techno

He lays his head on the counter the same way techno had been

I smiled at the sight but informed them they had to eat in the dinning room

The obligated and went to the dining room with wilbur and I

I put some eggs on all of the four plate that sat on the table and put a small amount on tommy's plate

~Tommys P.O.V.~
I walk to the dinning room following behind techno

When we arrive at the dinning room is smells like eggs which is fine however tommy dislikes them

When phil put the small amount on my plate i was extremely grateful it was only a small amount

The table was quite no one said a word

While I ate my eggs I thought about what they were talking about this morning

Once I finished eating I sat at the table wait to be excused from the table

After around 10 minutes of siting at the table phil noticed

"Oh tommy if you done eating you can be excused" phil added

"Thank you" I said before going buck upstairs to my room

I texted tubbo it was almost 7:30 now

'hello Tubbo'

'hello tommy'

'how are you?'

'im good at the
Moment I'm
Getting ready'

'now that I think
About it I should
Get ready as well'

'Lol, I'll be over
by eight so we
can go hang out'

'sounds good I'll
See you soon '

I grabbed my jacket and want back down stairs

I walk around until I find Phil in the kitchen

"Hey phil, I just want to let you know tubbo will be here in a few minutes' I added before sitting at the kitchen island

"Sounds good, also here's my number incase something happens. And we'll because it's important" phil said handing me a pice of paper with his number on it

I quickly put the number in my phone before they're was a knock on the door

I go over and put my shoes on before answering the door

"Tubbo" I shout

"Tommy" he returns my excitement

"You wait there or come in I just need to let phil know I'm leaving" tommy said moving for tubbo to enter

They shut the door behind them

"Hey phil Tubbos here! Ill be back around 1" tommy added before heading towards their destination with tubbo

End of chapter

Kind of short I'm sorry word count 646

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