Chapter 35

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The next day they all just stayed home from work and school taking a 'sick day' tommy sat in his room for a while

It was 6 in the morning when techno finally came in and sat on the end of his bed

"What's up pig man?" Tommy questioned the man wearing pig pajamas

"Got borad came here" techno replied

"You were going to wake me up weren't you" tommy asked

"Never I would never" techno laughed

"Rude but why Are you up so early phil call us out of school or whatever" tommy added

"I could ask you the same thing" techno said

"To quote frozen the sky's awake so I'm awake" tommy chuckled

"Uh huh?" Techno replied "well I'm still borad want to come wake wilbur up with me?"

"Sure?" Tommy answered

And with that is how the two boys were in wilbur's doors way with 6 water balloons between them

They threw them at wilbur till he wake up with only took one so they just threw the rest for fun

Wilbur chased them around the house for a while before giving up and telling phil before going to wash his now wet sheets

Phil apologized for those behavior then went to confront the other to boys

"So...." Phil started

"Before this goes any where else let me say it was all technos plan I have nothing to do with it" tommy said putting his hands up in defense

"Not ture!" Techno shouted

They two boys argued for five minutes before phil butted in "shut up both of you!"

The boys were quite as soon as he raised his voice since techno and tommy were both adopted they knew when someone raised their voice they were going to do something for better or for worse

"Its both your faults now to play outside or some shit and apologise to wilbur that's all I ask he did sleep till like 3 last night boys" phil explained

"I didn't sleep at all" the two boys said in unison before running off to find and apologize to Wilbur

Phil knew techno had some problems sleep but did tommy too? There was no possible way that they both didn't sleep last night

End of chapter
Short chapter however I would like sleep

Have a nice day or night! Evening or afternoon!

And remember is you haven't committed any crimes techno is proud of you and if you committed some light arson techno is still sorta proud of you!
Word count 420

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