Chapter 25

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We arrived home at one o'clock on the dot since we walked slowly

"Want to come inside tubbo?" I questioned as we walked up the driveway

"Sure?" Tubbo answered

I just chuckled

Once we walked through the door there was a lot of noise

Multiple people screaming Happy birthday

Confetti poppers

I covered my ears, I'm not sure who but someone noticed this and apologized

I think it was phil
So I nodded and uncovered my ears

"What's this?" I asked looking up at phil

"Party?" Phil questioned

"Phil" I looked him dead in the eyes "why are you questioning me about that? I'm also assuming it was wilbur, or technos idea or both"

I chuckled a bit

"Yes, but oh well everyone else is in the kitchen want to meet them?" Phil asked

"Sure but who are they?" I replied

We stood in the door way of the dining room now and phil explained same names

"That's, dream the one with the mask" phil pointed out "he's not a bad guy but is kinda intimating. anyway next to him is George, he has the clout goggles I think the two are dating but  I'm not sure"

Tommy nodded in response

"Then There's sapnap, in the fire shirt and he mostly hangs out with dream and george" phil continued "eret, he at this moment is not in hear"

This at last cought the groups attention

"hello" niki waved

Phil and tommy waved back

"That is niki wils friend they've know each other since they were like ten" phil chuckled

Tommy nodded, then proceeded to sit on the seat to the right of dream

Dream was confused but tommy already seem out of his comfort zone sit near someone new

"Excuse me dream?" Tommy asked not looking up from the table he rested his head

"Yes?" Dream replied

"Why do you wear a mask?" Tommy added

At this point you could hear the laughs from George and sapnap but tommy tried to ignore them

"Uh- well- I don't know I just always have, you know?" Dream answered

"That makes sense, also dream?" Tommy questioned

"Yes tomathy?" Dream chuckled

"Tomathy? Nice, anyway do you care if I use a tad bit of language towards your friend?" Tommy finally sat up looking towards dream

"Sure I won't tell phil can't make the same promise for them" dream added

"I won't way any thing this, this is going to be amazing" niki chimed in

George and sapnap were still laughing so they didn't notice the conversation change

"George and sapnap, and I don't care what your doing right now just it's really annoying your being massive dickheads" tommy started "and I would use a bit more of harsh language however I have a feeling you going to be  complaining to phil will or techno and I would not like to get grounded"

The last part of the sentence was quite then the beginning

Niki was laughing as was dream that not how they expected it to go but was funny none the less

George and sapnap were confused

"Niki? Do you think you and dream could possibly show me around to the other people?" Tommy asked looking down at the table

"Sure tommy, but I thought you met everyone?" Niki added

"Actually" tommy looked up "I've only meet the people that were in this room"

"Well let's change that, and quick before george and sapnap spread rumors that you cussed them out" nikki added standing up as well as dream, tommy followed in suit

Once the trio left the room it was completely empty since george and sapnap went to complain

The walked a few steps to the kitchen where the found tubbo talking with phil and someone else while eating some pizza

"Hey eret" niki waved

"Oh hey niki, dream, and I'm assuming tommy?" Eret replied

Dream waved as well as tommy then they were off to the next room

The walked over to the living room

The whole rest of the people seemed to be there

It seemed that none of the three wanted that much social interaction so they didn't go in for a moment

Niki went in first tommy behind her and dream behind him, I guess to somewhat protect tommy if george or sapnap notice them First

The walked over to the couch where bad and skeppy say talking about something

"Hello dream and niki" bad said with a smile

Skeppy waved

"This is tommy, and even thought me and dream just meet tommy, if anyone hurts him well you know what dream is capable of" niki chuckled

Tommy looked up to dream who seemed to be smiling under his mask

Tommy pulled on dreams arm causeing dream to look down

"What wrong tomathy?" Dream questioned

This caught wilbur's attention

"Who the hell is 'tomathy'?" Wilbur almost yelled

This caused tommy to leave dreams arm and run over to wilbur and tug on his arm untill he noticed which didn't take long

Tommy looked up at him, it seemed like he wanted something but was not going to ask, probably feeling guilty for asking

After a few seconds of that with no answer tommy walked a few steps to techno and didn't tug on his arm just looked up

"Tommy, would you like some pizza or some food?" Techno asked

Tommy nodded giving techno a hug which resulted in techno carrying him to the kitchen

Word count 908

In sorry for not posting

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