Chapter 25: Monster

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She turned around and at the speed of light dashed to the graveyard's gate. There, she stopped for a second, to gaze back at him with those teary sorrowfull eyes.

"I'm sorry." she whispered and disappeared into the darkness.

He could only stand frozen at the spot. Why did she run away? He was so happy to see her... was she not?


A piercing scream cut through the late evening silence. And yet, there was no human there to hear it, as it echoed from the depths of the forest. It was full of pain, anger, guilt and sorrow, it was so broken that it didn't sound human anymore. It was a screech of a beast, a wounded animal, a mother bear that found her lair littered by the corpses of her offsprings. A rumble could be heard as a single tree fell down, its bark split by a clean cut. Demons of the forest started closing in on the commotion, wondering what was going on. They cared not for being close to others, entering foreign territory, they just needed to see just what was causing all that noise.

One arrived by a clearing and his eyes widened in disbelief. There, in the middle of fallen tree barks, was a single woman standing still. Her chest was heaving heavily, palms shaking. If it was out of exhaustion, fear or anger, he didn't know. Still, the blunt nails on her fingers that glistened in the moonlight betrayed her race. She was probably terrified of whatever destroyed the greenery around her, that had to be the reason for her strange behaviour. And yet, he couldn't sense any strong demon close by. She didn't even have a weapon on her, such a vulnerable creature. And now she was standing alone in the enemy's land, she was to become the prey of today's hunt.

The demon ran out of his hiding first out of all the creatures hidden in the trees around the clearing. Some quickly followed him. As if she couldn't even hear them, the woman stayed motionless, her black kimono with crimson details acting like the perfect robe for her funeral. She was there, as if she was ready to die, as if she was just waiting for it. Well, if that was the case, he would gladly give her what she wanted. He could already taste how delicious she would be.

She lifted her chin, facing the starry sky and another wail of despair ripped from her throat. It should have been obvious that she wasn't normal, it should have driven the demons away, but they were fueled by hunger and payed it no mind. The first of them reached her and a clawed hand made contact with her unguarded back, digging in deep. The talons slit flesh and broke bones, yet she didn't falter and stayed standing upright. Before they could notice the strange occurence, others landed their first hits on her as well. But the girl didn't move nor did she make a single sound.

Finally all of them stopped, staring at the tattered body that was still somehow holding up its weight over all the injuries. Her pretty clothes were torn to shreds, soaked with her dark red blood, her hairstyle was ruined and (H/C) tresses fell into her face. And still, her knees didn't buckle underneath her from all the bloodloss. Her eyes were vacant, empty, with no shine, they were utterly and completely dead as crystal clear tears fell from them onto the forest floor. The monsters attacking her were frozen only for a second before the bravest one of them walked in front of her and looked deep into those, probably unseeing, eyes.

"What's wrong with ye, bitch?" he asked rudely but recieved no answer, not even a look of acknowledgement.

The deformed husk of a man was enraged by her lack of response and sneered at the (H/C) haired girl.

"I was tryna show ye some mercy, whore. But whateva, yer dead anyway! Say yer prayers!"

With those words he rose him arm above his head and his already long and sharp nails extended to twice their size, ready to slice her up like black knives. But before the blow could land, a pale hand cluthed onto his wrist with unnatural strenght and stopped the attack. His eyes widened in pure, uncontained rage, as they burned holes into the woman who took a hold of him. Her head rose enough to gaze into his face and those dead eyes stared at him, merciless even as she tilted her head to the side.

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