Chapter 13: The Swordsmith

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"Did you know? You smell like wisterias!"

(Y/N) chuckled quietly to herself. That boy sure was something else.

And so she set off, alone again. A swordsmith wandering the land, a rounin and a demon killer and on the other side a young demon slayer with a demon on his back. Two people whose jurney has slowly started turning the gears of the world... the people who would initiate the beginning of an end to one era.

"Hey, you! Stop!" someone shouted from behind her.

(Y/N) did as they asked and turned around to see who it was. Someone with a jester mask on their face was running after her. They seemed really strange with a hat adorned by glass wind chimes on their head. Just who was this person and what did they want. Finally the stranger caught up to her and panted a few seconds before he started to talk.

"Are you that rumoured rounin that goes around selling swords?" he asked in a strange voice.

(Y/N) took out some paper she has purchased in a small town a few days ago and a brush. She dipped it into the bottle of black ink she was keeping in a small pouch on her waist and started writing.

Depends. I do sell swords but I have no knowlege of rumors about me.

"It has to be you! They all said that he never talks."

She shrugged as if she was saying "Guess it is me then, what are you gonna do about it?"

"I've seen some of your work around. Your swords are of high quality."

Where was the man going with this? He was really weird.

"But I have decided to seek you out in search of only one sword." he said mysteriously.

What are you looking for then?

"The rumors aren't only of a wandering rounin that sells swords when someone needs them. I have heard that you carry a sword of your own that you use to slay monsters."

Right as he said that, (Y/N) grew wary of the man. Who was he to know about demons? He definitely wasn't a demon slayer, she could tell. So why was he looking for her because of her slaying demons? Could he have been manipulated by some sick demon to find her and get information? Or maybe even kill her? She narrowed her eyes in a glare directed at the man.

And if I do?

"You see, I am a swordsmith myself and I happen to make some demon slaying blades. But I have no knowlege of anyone that would ever make a nichirin blade for someone outside of the demon slayer corps. It makes me rather curious."

I guess we could talk about it then. But how about we leave the road? It might take a while.

"That isn't a half bad idea." he agreed, "I am Haganezuka Hotaru by the way."

Hakumei Ren.


They walked into the forest next to the road and found a nice place to sit down. It was quiet for a while and Haganezuka was getting impatient. He really tried his best to be polite with the rounin because he was set on seeing his sword but the silence was getting annoying. Sure, not like the man in front of him could make any noise anyway, he was mute... But he though that he would show him his sword! Meanwhile the guy was just sitting on the ground with his back comfortably against a tree just staring at him with those sharp eyes of his.

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