Chapter 36: Life goes on

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Hi everyone, it's been a while. To be honest I kinda lost all my motivation to write this story, or any fanfic in general. I just feel like nothing really comes out well, although I have random sparks of inspiration and have started a few stories. I have the ideas but I just don't like the way it all comes out.

That being said tho, I don't really want to leave this story unfinished because I know many of you were enjoying it and it would suck if it never got an ending.

And so, after a lot of thinking, I came up with an idea how to finish the story at least somehow. It's not what I wanted for it but still better than nothing, right? I know some of you might not enjoy it as much as you did the previous part but for the ones who wanna stick around and hear the rest of the story of the witch, I wanna do at least this.

The next chapter will therefore be (Y/N)'s quick description of events as she wrote it after it all ended and then it will be the end. I did write the last tiny bit in a normal storytelling way tho to make it a bit nicer. Maybe one day, when I have the time and motivation, I will write an alternate ending in the way it was supposed to be in the beginning.

Thanks to everyone who read the story, it really means a lot to me! Maybe I'll see you in another one of my fanfics. Otherwise, this is the last chapter of this.

After the day I realized I fancied Giyuu, everything changed. Well... at least for me. I wished to tell him so I could just get rejected and forget about those feelings. And if, by any chance of fate, he fancied me too, there would be at least some time left to live the short period of life I never dared even dream of.

Sadly, before I gathered courage, I had to leave again. Ubuyashiki-san sent me over to Tokyo so I could research together with a demon doctor Tamayo-san who was on our side. At first, the boy who lived with her seemed to hate me but it all got better soon. She had even more experience than I did because she has lived for almost as long as Muzan. Shinobu-chan comunicated with us via letters and after more than a month, we actually managed to find out the way to create a drug which would turn demons back into humans.

I had to come back to my mountain a few times. It was obvious that someone has been there from how some wisterias were cut down, almost as if a demon was trying to make a way for himself to the heart of my forest. I also managed to create some more antidote for the blue spider lily and took that and some of the flower petals with me since I knew the final battle would soon be coming.

Despite writing sweet letters to him all the time, I couldn't tell Giyuu how much I liked him... I just hoped the next time we met wouldn't be in the afterworld.


Ubuyashiki was dead. He killed himself, his wife and some of his children in an explosion, just so he could lure Muzan in. I didn't know him all that much but I will still miss him. Everyone, including me were thrown into Kibutsuji's castle which was infested by demons while he hid in order to regenerate.

I ended up with Shinobu. We ran into the Upper Moon Two - Douma. The Douma I have met all those longs months ago, the one who thought he could so easily kill me, the one who was looking for blue spider lillies on my mountain. He recognized me. Said he was looking for me, looking for Hakumei Ren or anyone I was pretending to be, because he despised me for tricking him. It was him who cut down the wisteria trees of my home.

I knew what Shinobu's plan was. She never told me about it but I have been alive for far too long to not notice the signs of her steadily turning her whole body into a poisonous trap. She planned to get eaten by Douma, wanted him gone no matter the cost as revenge for the death of her older sister. I would be damned before letting her die like that.

The Blacksmith's daugther was a witch (Tomioka Giyuu x reader)Where stories live. Discover now