Chapter 23: Like a peach

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And for some reason, when he thought of his own home, it wasn't this place either. It would be Urokodaki's little shed where he experienced a happy childhood or maybe, it would be that house on the mountain, but not this. Because this place, even when he made it himself, wasn't dear to him and there was nothing to return to but the silence. There was no (Y/N) to smile at him when he fell after trying too hard when he was still recovering... just strangers and acquitances passing by.

"-and you know what I told him? I said: A normal sword is for medicore guys, I want something flamboyant!" Uzui's boisterous laughter boomed through the little diner.

Well, it was more of a bar than a diner but the owner insisted that as long as he sold food, it was not a simple bar. It was probably just so he could feel better about himself, but no one came there with the main intention of eating, they were there for the alcohol. And right now, all the quests were subtly watching the well respected hashira gulp down his 7th cup of sake for the night and tell stories to his silent companion.

Meanwhile, the Sound Pillar was having the time of his life. He enjoyed the slightly confused look in Hakumei's eyes that betrayed his bewilderment at how much the man could drink without much consequences. He also looked a little offended by the fact that a katana was apparently 'for medicore guys'. It was strange, really, how much the boy's eyes could speak when he let them do so. So often he would mask his emotions but right now, he didn't bother and it was much easier to comunicate with him that way. As a former shinobi, Tengen was quite skilled at reading people's emotions and body language so he could basically converse with the mute rounin, no problem.

"Now, don't be such a downer, Ren! I know you are a flamboyant warrior just like me, not some medicore nobody. But you can't blame me, that blacksmith wanted to give me a weapon that would be terrible for my style, can you belive the nerve of the guy?" he shot him a toothy grin.

Hakumei's shoulders shook in soundless laughter as he shook his head. It seemed that he was enjoying the night too. The Hunter lifted his own cup and pulled the bandages down a little, so his lips could touch the cold ceramic. It was rather suprising to see him so calmly finish another, seeing as he was just one cup behind the hashira next to him. And yet, his cheeks didn't seem to catch the rosy hue nor did his composture crack...

"Say, were you a shinobi or something too? I have a high resistance to poisons, including alcohol, but how are you able to withstand your liquor so well?"


He read the message and squinted at the boy accusingly.

"Liar. You're still a kid, there's no way you have been drinking for too long, no matter how flamboyant you are."

He just shrugged and slyly winked at him, mischief swimming in his big (E/C) eyes.

"Alright then, keep your secrets," Uzui looked him over from the side of his eye as he turned back to the owner to call for new drinks, "I'll figure it out eventually."

Do you ever miss being a shinobi? You don't talk about it much.

The albino thought for a moment before slowly shaking his head.

"Not really, I think being a Demon Slayer is much more flamboyant. That being said, I wouldn't trade that time of my life for anything. It's where I met my wives after all. What about you, do you miss being a blacksmith?"

The boy shrugged and quickly jolted down a response before handing it to him.

I can't say I really quit it in the first place. When I went back home, I restocked my supply of swords by making new ones and brought them along. I guess I can't bring myself to let go of it, unlike you. I know that being a Demon Hunter is enough to keep me going but I still cannot leave my old ways. I don't really like change, that is probably why.

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