Chapter 12: On the road

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There was nothing left for her to see. She didn't have a role here so it was time to leave. Hopefully the man would realize that the kind boy knew more than one would expect. And if he didn't... well, he would be a person that wasn't really worth saving.

"Whatever." she thought and turned away, picking of the swords she's let go off erailer. She set off on her jurney again, nobody noticing her walk away.

(Y/N) was walking along the road, thinking about the boy she has encountered. He was carrying a demon with him but the girl seemed different. She was protecting him, protecting others... What could have caused such a change? She would give anything to be allowed to research her at least a bit but it wasn't her place to do so. She couldn't reveal her identity.


Huh? Someone was walking here too, it seemed. Maybe there were kids playing tag of something.

"Hey, wait for me, please!"

The voice was getting closer. Strange, she didn't see anyone in front of her. Maybe they were already too far to see and the person was hoping they would at least hear them.

"Mister rounin, please! Wait for me!"

Wait, what? She stopped in her tracks and turned around. No wonder the voice seemed familiar. The boy in a checkered haori was running in her direction, sweat rolling down his face after running with the box on his back. When he saw her turn around, a bright smile appeared on his face and he waved at her excitedly. Unsure of what was going on (Y/N) lifted her hand and waved back awkwardly.

When he caught up to her he heaved a heavy sigh. He had to have been running for a while...

"You - huff - You sure walk fast." he pushed out of himself while still panting.

(Y/N) just nodded. She had absolutely no idea why he had followed her. She remembered him talking about how the demons stinked, maybe he had a keen sense of smell and figured out she wasn't a normal human? This kid could be dangerous.

"I couldn't help by be suprised when you used the Water breathing technique! I am a demon slayer too. I didn't think you were one since you aren't wearing the uniform. Sorry for the misunderstanding, I probably got in your way." he said cheerfully.

She vigorously shook her head. "I am not a demon slayer." she wanted to say.

"I didn't... get in your way?"

This was going to be difficult. (Y/N) shook her head again and made a cross out of her hands in front of herself. Then she pointed to his uniform, then at her own clothes and made the cross again.

"You... aren't wearing a uniform..? I can see that." the boy said in confusion.

Oh how she wished she could speak to him. How could she explain it..? Then an idea came into her mind so she crouched down and started drawing into the dusty road.

Not Demon slayer

Hopefully the boy could read.

"Oh, you aren't a demon slayer... How come you can kill a demon then tho?"

She just shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh, I completely forgot my manners!" the boy exclaimed, "My name is Kamado Tanjiro, nice to meet you!" he bowed.

(Y/N) nodded at him and crouched again to write into the dust. Tanjiro patiently waited for her to finish. When she was done, she got up and proudly pointed at the kanji on the ground.

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