Prologue: The Song of a Witch

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  A handsome blonde man was sitting in his room and watching people go in and out. Who would he eat today? What weather would the night bring? Maybe it'll be cold...

He was bored out of his mind. Every day was the same - worshippers bowing and praying to him, bringing him gifts and begging for a blessing. He wondered how stupid they all had to be to believe that just a few words from the rainbow eyed man would solve all of their problems. It obviosly couldn't but for some reason the still kept coming back. Well... at least it was easy for him to get a nice meal and he had a lot to choose from.

He didn't pay any attention to what the elderly woman in front of him was saying, only occasionally nodding to appear interested in her problems. He was so spaced out that he almost didn't notice a child's voice singing behing the closed door. His ears perked up, desperate for any entertainment the singing could provide him or at least for a distraction from the mundae woman talking. Completely tuning the lady out, he caught the words of the child's song.

"...-ee her frown.

A pretty face, big shiny eyes

People believe she never lies

And only she wears through the year

Blue spider lily by her ear.

She wa-"

In that exact moment, he forgot all about the world around him. A blue spider lily... Who was this girl the kid was singing about? Where was she and how come she had that flower? He, his fellow demons and most of all, his master, have been searching for it for centuries yet they couldn't find a single trace of it. So how did this person know a song that mentioned it? He needed to see them, he needed to hear the whole song, to know more about this misterious woman! An old voice pulled him out of his frantic thoughts.

"Do you think it is possible?" asked the lady in front of him.

He had no idea what she was talking about but he still plastered a warm fake smile across his face and answered to her in a sweet tone: "I am sure it is~ I will even give you my blessings to make sure it goes well!"

"Really?? Thank you so much, Great Founder Douma! You really are a god send from the above."

She thanked him again and again and after that she excused herself and headed to the door. He sent her off with the smile still painted on his face and watched the door open and close. Another visitor made their way into the room. This time, there were two of them - a mother and, what he assumed, was her son. He has never seen them before so they had to either be new members of his cult or they were travelers. He smiled at the gently and motioned for them to sit down on the pillows on the ground. When they did so, he stared at them, expecting them to start ranting about their worries.

"Hello, Great Founder Douma. I hope you are doing well." said the woman, bowing politely.

"Good afternoon, mister!" exclaimed the energetic little boy next to her.

She hurriedly looked up and wispered to him: "Be polite, Shin! We talked about this, you can't just call someone of this importance mister!"

The blonde decided to stand up for the boy. After all, he had the same voice that he's heard singing the song of the mysterious woman. He needed the child to like him enough to be willing to talk about it and maybe sing the whole thing for him so he could find out more.

"Why, my dear, I don't mind him calling me mister at all~ I actually find it quite adorable, so please, don't get mad at him."

The woman looked up at him and a second later her face lit up with a happy smile.

The Blacksmith's daugther was a witch (Tomioka Giyuu x reader)Where stories live. Discover now