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The evening went by slow, not that Loki minded. He and Dove sat in the living area a game of chess placed in front of the two.
Loki eyed her over his bishop that was staring down her knight.
"Will you move?" She aggressively signed.

Loki rolled his eyes playfully, taking the piece in hand and moving two spaces.

"Checkmate." Dove smiled at him.

"No, no, no!" Loki's fingers snapped harshly.

He went to snatch up his king when the girl grabbed it, running around the coffee table. Loki was a little slow still since the Hulk smash, but he had a trick up his sleeve.
He began to chase after her but fell to the ground. The thud of him hitting the floor went unheard but Dove felt a slight vibration under her feet. Turning, she spotted Loki on the carpet cradling his ankle. Dove rushed over, kneeling in front of him, examining his foot. With snakelike accuracy, he snagged the king from her hand. As he tried to stand Dove pulled him back to the ground letting out a breathy laugh . Loki looked up to Dove who was grinning above him. His eyes glanced to her lips, stirring the mischief within him. He suddenly craved to let his thin lips touch her pink ones, but even though the thought brought butterflies to his stomach it also scared him. To fall for a woman of Earth would make him no different then Thor.... But he was different, he was mortal now. With no magic running through his vanes he was more beneath his brother then ever before.

Loki sat up, all mischief leaving his thoughts.

Dove pointed to Loki then sighed an "O" and a "K"

"I'm fine, I'm done playing."
He stood, dusted off himself and limped to the kitchen to snag the bag of cookies.

Dove rose from her spot on the floor and went to Loki,  who was perched on the island.

"Why are you emotional." She bent he knuckles swirling her hands in front of her chest. "Are you scared of me." Her face showed sadness as she pointed to herself.
She felt as though somehow his frustration was her fault.

Loki let out a breath. Shaking his head he lightly snapped his fingers closed.

He didn't want her thinking he was mad at her. She was right, he was an emotional mess. He wanted everything back to the way it was before... Before he let go.

That was the day he lost himself.  Thanos had taken everything from him and now he is here on Midgard a blurry image of his former self, so distorted and unclear.

"It's not you, Dove. I cant explain what it is , but it's not you." Loki carefully got off the counter.
Dove gave a soft smile. Then her arms went around him and her small body snuggled into his tall one.
The shock of her action made Loki take in a large breath, expanding his chest where her head laid.
He let her remain there for a little unsure how to react.
Soon his hands slowly touched her shoulders and lightly pull her from his frame.

"It's late. I'll see you tomorrow?"  He signed.

"Yes" she nodded.

Loki smiled.

They walked to the door and signed good night.  Dove walked down the steps and waved a final time before walking to her home.

Loki watched her till she was out of view. Shutting the door he turned to see Tony.

"Hey, we are going to watch a movie, you wanna join?"  Tony's lips read.

"I'm GoIng to Go ReAD." Loki said out loud.

Tony had not heard Loki speak for a few days.

Tony nodded in understanding then sighed "O.K."

Loki smiled at Tony. A rare real smile. He was pleased the man had signed to him.
Loki tried to walk to his room but belt a tap on his shoulder.

"We. Turn on. S.u.b.t.i.t.l.e.s.
You. read." Tony fumbled through the sentence.

Loki silently laughed "O.K."

The group  spread out all over the living room ready for a movie night. Loki walked in toe with Tony.
The group greeted him with smiles and signs.

He felt an odd sense of inclusion, family even. And for that moment everything  was "Ok"

Hear No Evil (Deaf! Loki)Where stories live. Discover now