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Frigga held Loki as he wept uncontrollably. Tony looked to Cap.

"Ask Koko what in the world that thing was? " He ordered.

Tony had not been working on his sign language. Steve knelt next to Frigga and her hysterical son. Tapping Loki lightly on the shoulder to get his attention, he turned tears cascading down his cheeks.

"Do you know who that was?" Steve signed.

Loki nodded "Thanos, He hurt me, sent me here to get the tesseract, to kill. I'm sorry." Loki's fist rolled on his chest as he apologized.

"NO, don't apologize. Are you ok?" Steve asked.

Loki's neck was already showing bruises. Steve sighed and turned to Tony.

"His name is Thanos, sounds like he was the reason Loki was trying to take the tesseract."

"So, he was telling the truth." Tony cursed under his breath.

Bruce Banner walked over to Loki as he trembled in Frigga's arms.

"Ice, you need ice on your neck." He signed to the raven-haired man.
Loki glanced back to his mother, she nodded letting him know it was ok to go with Banner.

"I'll be right here when you come back." She told him, speaking slowly.

He nodded regretting the movement quickly, then stood and went with he doctor.

Tony walked up to Frigga his head hanging low. "I'm very sorry we did not know he was telling the truth."

Frigga gave a kind smile "I do not blame you, my son's words are usually false."

Tony returned her smile but he was pained with guilt. "How old is Loki? I mean like earth years?"

"He will be your equivalent of twenty in December." She mussed at the thought . Tony's eyes widened, The Norse god was but a child.

Loki emerged from the medical room, he held a ice pack on his neck. Walking up to his mother he gave a small reassuring smile. "You alright, my child?" she said

"I'm ok." he signed as his voice coming out hoarse and with a hint of pain.

Tony rubbed his face "Hey, kid, I didn't know." The god gave him a aggravated expression and put out his hands palms up signing "What?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not good at this signing. Can you read my lips ok?" Tony said slowing down a bit.

Loki nodded, unsure what was causing the mighty Tony Stark to act so flustered.

"I did not believe you, and I'm sorry, and I'm sorry we were so hard on you." Tony said putting a hand on Loki's shoulder. The trickster was taken aback by the man's actions he immediately flinched, but finally relaxed when he noticed Tony was not trying to hurt him.

"It's ok." Loki's voice rasped.

** Sorry it was short! Hope To continue this, I'm just praying for inspiration!! Please comment, it helps me keep the story going!! Love you all ,thanks for being my readers!!!!****

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