Sweet Touch

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The next week Frigga went to Asgard to relinquish her title and live on earth with her son. Loki was on edge all that week, his thoughts constantly on Thanos. He would check every room of Stark Tower multiple times a day with Steve. The soldier had a kinder heart than the others and had compassion for the fallen god. Anyone with eyes could see that Loki was a nervous wreck since Thanos showed his face, so Steve decided to text someone he thought would help.

Loki was sitting in the kitchen stabbing some leftover pizza with a fork. Frustrated over his hearing. The man flipped the fork in his fingers the way he used to play with his daggers. Man, he missed his old life!

The elevator let out a ding that was unheard by Loki. Dove exited the elevator smiling when she saw the dark-haired man at the kitchen island.

She waltzed over to the island and stood in front of Loki, but his eyes were examining a butter knife. Dove put a ziplock of cookies on the island. She waved her hand in front of his concentrated face. Out of instinct, he flipped the knife in his hand ready to attack.

Dove put her hands up in surrender and let out a silent chuckle. Loki face lit up with excitement.

"Dove, what are you doing here?" He signed.

"Captain, asked me to come to cheer you up." Her hands read.

She sat next to Loki smiling brightly. He was surprised that Steve called her but also very thankful.

"How are you?" She asked

"Fine." The once god of lies replied.

"You are lying." The young girl signed.

Loki was shocked the mortal could read him like that. Maybe his signing was not as slick as his silver tongue used to be.

"You seem scared." She notices his demeanor was unlike the time she saw him in the cell downstairs.

Loki's features went harsh.
"Stop. I don't need you reading me." Loki signed aggressively. He started to stand when a hand grabbed his.

"I'm sorry." Dove rolled her fist on her chest. She grabbed the ziplock, handing it to Loki.

"What is it?" He pointed to the cookie.

The girl smiled. "It's chocolate chip cookies, I made them."

The guilt from snapping at the Midgardian filled him.

He pulled out the baked good and took a bite.

"Sweet." He brushed his fingers on his chin.

The girl blushed and tucked a strand of her short brown hair behind her ear. She signed 'thank you' and took Loki's hand pulling him to the couch.

The Raven haired man had a slight limp from his broken ankle but followed her to the sitting area.

He sat next to Dove as she sat cross-legged on the sofa. Her face brightened when Loki grabbed another cookie from the pouch.

She tapped him as he enjoyed another bite.

"You're doing great with your signing!"

He gave a cocky smile. "Fast learner."

She let out a giggle.

"What does your voice sound like?" He asked curiously.

"I don't know." She saluted with a frown on her face.

"How, did you lose your hearing?" He asked, unsure she would want to answer he added. "You don't have to tell me."

Dove smiled "I was born deaf."

Loki felt his heart drop, why was earth so cruel?

"Don't be sad for me, I'm fine." The girl signed smiling brightly.

How did this not bother her?

Loki felt like he was in a silent hell and she had been stuck in the same quiet since she came into this world.

Dove could see the concern in Loki's eyes.

"Give me your hand." She signed.

The man's brows knitted together but he did as she asked. She took his hand lightly in hers and pressed it to her neck. Loki's heart fluttered.

"Hello, Loki." Her voice vibrated against his fingers.

He let out a laugh. "What did you say?"

"I said 'Hello Loki'." She signed.

She reached her hand out to him and pulled his collar down. She flinched back when she saw the bruises on his once pale skin.

"It's ok." He said grabbing her hand pulling her forward.

"Hello, Dove." His deep voice shook on the tips of her fingers. He had not talked out loud in a while, and he wished it would come out like silk like it used to but he could feel it shake. He was nervous... but why?

She smiled feeling his Adam's apple.

"Beautiful." She rolled her fingers over her face.

Loki could not stop staring at this girl. Her big brown eyes were captivating and her touch was so tender.

He mentally yelled at himself,
No, stop she is from Midgard she is mortal...
Just like you.

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