Utterly Alone

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Loki was reclining on his mother's chest, her steady breathing relaxed him, and her humming though went unheard he felt the vibrations soothing him to sleep. Thor went to his mother's side as she played with her sons raven hair. " I don't know what happened to him one day he trying to rule earth the next he is helpless." His mother continued the song not listening to her eldest. She just wanted to be there in that moment making up for the lost time.

"He is going to die," Thor's comment startled Frigga and she quickly turned to him. "It will come too soon, all humans deaths are too fast. They live and die within a hundred years." Thor whispered, "And we just stand back and watch." He spat the last words as is if they burned his tongue. Running a hand through his hair he held back his agony. Frigga remained silent focusing back on her child's sleeping features. His breathing was calm. His face still slightly stained by his previous tears. Frigga felt as though she was looking at that small infant Oden brought home from war.

Frigga sat there for some time studying Loki's face when she broke her silence "I want to stay here with him." She whispered. "Mother, that is a death sentence," Thor spoke knowing Oden would banish her from Asgard making her human stripping her of all power if he heard her words. "Loki is not from my womb, But from my soul. I was not with him at the beginning of his life but I will be there with him at the end." She spoke knowing what she needed to do.

She lightly shook her young son. His eyelashes fluttered off his cheeks. He smiled feeling so content leaning agents his mother. Looking at her face her pink lips began to dance. "I have to go, my son, there is something I must do." Loki looked uneasy, his dreams were filled with sweet voices and sounds but now he awoke back to his silent hell. Holding back tears he signed to Thor to tell him what she said. The god of thunders hands interpreted it back to him. "No" he voiced. Frigga spoke slow " I will be back." She hugged Loki and nodded to Thor that it was time for her departure.

Loki sat on his bed utterly alone once again. A bright light catching his attention he walked down the hall, something was wrong. No one was about the tower. Looking in a room a tap was felt on his shoulder.

He turned to meet eye with the murdering Titan Thanos "Boo" he said "I see your keen eyes have failed you. What's it like being in complete silence?" Loki's breath quickened he scanned his surroundings for help. Finally spotting Thor and Frigga being held a blade at their necks. Loki screamed "Please don't hurt them. Kill me! You're here for me! please kill me!" Friggas heart sank as her baby begged for death. The giant's hand went around Loki's fragile neck. "My child this is your punishment, To be alone and in silence... Udderly alone." He said motioning the other beings holding his family to proceed in the murder. Loki didn't hear his words, but reading his lips he wailed and pleaded.
Out of nowhere, a beam hit Thanos' hand releasing Loki. Two arrows impaled the beings holding Thor and Frigga.
The mother ran to her son who was collapsed on the floor sobbing. The Avengers surrounded Thanos before he vanished.
"Who was that? " was all Stark could utter.

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