Watchful Eye

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Loki woke up in his bed, he barely even remembered walking to his room last night.

He and the team watched some pirate movie, and in the spirit of the film Tony had broken out a large bottle of rum. Loki rarely drank, even on Asgard, but with some coxing he had some, not knowing how much of a lightweight he was. Loki had laughed and sang and acted a fool. Though his blubbering did not reach his ears the team was quite amused.

When it was time for bed, Steve made sure Loki found his room.

Loki staggered at the Captain's side as they walked out of the elevator.


"ok, Loki you need to get to bed." Steve laughed.

"WHAT??? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Loki screamed and then went into a fit of laughter.

Steve could not help but laugh when Loki's explosion of laughter went into giggling hiccups.

Loki shielded his eyes from the sun streaming into his room. The hangover was setting in and Loki wished he was still sleeping.

Loki rolled out from under his covers and spotted the clock, it was almost noon. he dashed to the closet and put something on. Dove was supposed to be over by one.

Loki rushed downstairs. He went to the kitchen and found some eggs and started to make an omelet. His mind wandering as he cracked the shells and began stirring.

What were he and Dove going to do that day? Would she be hungry when she got to the tower? Maybe he should make two omelets.

He finished the dishes and had two plates of food set at the table. He smiled to himself, proud of his work. At a glance, he saw that 1:00 had come and gone, and still, the midgardinan he had become fond of seeing had not arrived.

He racked his brain. Where was she?

The raven-haired man sat waiting and wondering for another hour. With the food long forgotten, Loki began to pace.

Steve came running into the kitchen his shirt soaked in sweat from his daily run, he was panting and looking...scared?

"Is Dove here?" He asked Loki, his signs were fast and sloppy.

Loki shook his head "no".

Steve aggressively rubbed the sweat from his face.

" I went past her apartment and it looks like there was a break-in," Steve said slowly enough so Loki could read his lips.

Loki's eyes widened in fear.
"Call her!" He signed swiftly. Knowing that the humans had a divide to get ahold of one another.

"I did, no answer." The super soldier said.

Loki's worry twisted his stomach. His eyes stared in a daze. Finally, he came back to reality.

"Show me." He signed.


The soldier slid past the broken-down front door of the apartment building.

Both men stood in fear. The floor was littered with bodies. Steve ran to a small boy checking for a pulse. Loki looked around franticly trying to find Dove.

When he went to step over a woman's body a hand grabbed his ankle.

"A mon..ster." She choked out blood, "A monster did this." And with that the woman went limp, letting out a final breathe.

Loki bent down. He had not been able to read the woman's bloodied lips, he shook her body with trembling hands, wanting to know what she had said.

Unbenoused to the men, their every move was being watched.

A robotic eye was concealed in the ceiling tile, letting the mad titan enjoy his work.

A whimper was heard behind him.

"My child, no need to cry. Your pain will come to an end,"

Dove's hands were enclosed in rock-like shackles.

A large purple hand rubbed her cheek. "As soon as your prince is here."

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