9| Prank War

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The news about the Weasley twins getting pranked had spread like a forest fire. Now, the school knew the trio as 'Flames'.

James thought it was dumb, but they couldn't really improve the creativity of the author, now, could they? *cough* *cough*

When word had gotten into Professor McGonagall's ears, she had sighed and given up.


The Weasleys twins took this as a personal insult and had pranked the 'Flames' at breakfast. On being hexed, the Marauders couldn't speak for an entire day.

A prank war had started and everyone who came in their way - innocent or guilty - suffered. Hogwarts was falling apart.

Peter wasn't a part of the prank. He was, nowadays, very distant and had requested James not to include them in this prank war. James had, sadly, agreed.

Harry was horrified... When he had suggested Jack to do something together with his friends, he had not thought about a prank war breaking out between them and the biggest pranksters in Hogwarts.

When he had told about this to Hermione, Ron and Lily, they had sighed except Ron who had smirked like the greatest thing had happened.

Classes were going on as usual. Potions and Defence Against The Dark Arts were two classes that the time travellers tried not to catch any attention.

However, both the professors were keeping a close eye on them. He was oblivious to the fact that they kept staring at Sirius and glared whenever he came close to James or Lily or Lupin or Peter or- you get the point...

It was September 19th. The Marauders were informed that it was Hermione's birthday.

They had plans on making her laugh. So, they decided to prank the Weasley twins for the 100th time this weak.

The Marauders (when I say the Marauders, I don't mean Peter... I know you guys understand why) entered the Great Hall with smiles on their faces.

"Happy Birthday Hermione!" They wished and grabbed seats next to them. However, Hermione tensed up. People near the Weasley twins and the Flames were in direct danger of being pranked.

She smiled, "Thank you!"

The door opened and Fred and George walked in. This time, The Marauders tensed up.

"Padfoot, are yo-" Moony started but stopped when Dumbledore entered the hall.

Not only him but every student and Professor and Ghost stopped doing whatever they were doing and stared.

"Merlin's pants," Hermione said.

As if on habit, every head turned to look at the Weasley twins who quickly shook their heads as if their lives depended on it (it probably did).

Then every head turned to look at the Marauders who still had their eyes widened.

Dumbledore stood there near the door. His face nonchalant and his long, lovely beard... gone.

James sighed, "Happy Birthday, Hermione."

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