18| A Promise

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Last chapter question goes to... *drumroll* AnnieDiAngelo1237!!! You rock, sis!

This chapter dedicated to AnnieDiAngelo1237 and to me finishing my Telugu exam just now! Only 5 more to go!


remember how long he had stayed outside the hospital wing. He didn't want to go inside and face Harry. He was just... waiting.

Fred and George walked outside and James stood up almost immediately.

"Is Harry okay?" James asked, his voice breaking.

"Yeah," said Fred, smiling. "He's okay! Visitors are allowed. You can go an-"

"No, it's alright. Just glad that he is alright." James said quickly. He turned and left, Going back to the common room.


(Ivy and Lily are the same person but since Harry is the one whose thoughts are mostly portrayed, the names are going to change once in a while)

Harry sat in the hospital wing staring at his broom, that was now broken into many pieces. His first broom. The Nimbus 2000 that he played wit-

A knock in the door shook him out of his thoughts.

"Come in!" He called out. Ivy stepped in.

"Hey Harry," said Lily. "How are you doing?"

She put a hand on top of Harry's head, checking the temperature. Harry savoured the moment. He felt protected.

Ivy reminded Harry of his mom. Though he never knew her, he missed his mom.

"Er- Fine," Harry said. He was lying to everyone all the time about how he was feeling but for some reason, Harry found it hard to lie to Ivy.

Lily frowned, "No, you're not. I heard your broom was broken."

Harry nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

"I have a little something to share," Lily smiled as she moved her delicate hands through Harry's hair that were just like James'.

"Mhm," Harry smiled.

"Jack," Lily started. "He was the chaser, right? We all saw him play."

Harry nodded.

"When you fell, he tried to catch you, almost did!" She laughed a bit. "Of course, with all the wind and the storm working against him and his not-so-nimbus broom, he couldn't. He blames himself, you know?"

Harry nodded, understanding how James felt. A burst of affection burst in him as he thought about the always laughing Jack before he broke his friendship with Shrek.

"He really cares about you," Lily smiled.

"Why didn't the others tell me this?" Harry asked.

"Jam- Jack told them not to," Lily answered.

Harry frowned and got up, "Then, why are you telling me this?"

"He isn't talking to me either way. How bad can things get?"

Lily's voice sounded far away. At that moment, Harry made a promise to himself. He would get James and Lily together. No matter the cost.


James felt guilty. He knew he shouldn't, but still he felt guilty.

By Monday, Harry was back on his feet.

James had made the tough decision of leaving his son alone. Harry was in more danger if he stayed with him.

He was shocked when Harry took a seat next to James.

"Hello Jack," He greeted cheerfully.

"How are you doing?" James asked.

"I'm fine," Harry said. "So, you didn't visit me in the hospital wing."

"Did you want me to?" James nonchalantly asked.

"You did almost save my life, so..."

James gaped at Harry, "How do you know?"

"Does that really matter? Jack, don't blame yourself. You couldn't have done it anyways. The wind was too strong. Rain was falling an-"

"If Dumbledore wouldn't have saved you, you would have died, Harry," said James, flatly. "I couldn't even cast a Patronus Charm... I failed twice."

"You tried."

Harry reached over and hugged James (awkwardly) to which, James hugged back.

"I'm proud of you, Harry. Remember that," Saying those last words, James pushed away yet another important person in his life.


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