48| The Last Week At Hogwarts

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The last chapter question of this book was answered by -stxrology and Melon_Koala and, just because I can, Aaliya0012!!! And no, the book isn't done yet. I have just the epilogue to post and BOOOM! It won't take that long though, don't worry!


The week passed quickly, one of Time's cruel tricks.

Nobody at Hogwarts knew the truth of what had happened the night that Sirius, Buckbeak, and Pettigrew had vanished except the third year daredevils and Professor Dumbledore. They heard many different theories about what had really happened, but none of them even came close to the truth.

Malfoy was furious about Buckbeak, convinced that Hagrid had found a way of smuggling the Hippogriff to safety.

Percy Weasley, meanwhile, had much to say on the subject of Sirius' escape.

"If I manage to get into the Ministry, I'll have a lot of proposals to make about Magical Law Enforcement!" he told the only person who would listen— his girlfriend, Penelope.

Though the weather was perfect, though the atmosphere was so cheerful, though he knew they had achieved the near impossible in helping Sirius to freedom, Harry had never approached the end of a school year in worse spirits. He certainly wasn't the only one who was sorry to see Professor Lupin go. The whole of Harry's Defence Against the Dark Arts class was miserable about his resignation.

"Wonder who they'll give us next year," said Seamus Finnigan gloomily.

"Maybe a vampire," suggested Dean Thomas hopefully.

It wasn't only Professor Lupin's departure that was weighing on Harry's mind. But then, there was James.

The Marauders, which now included Lily, spent almost all their time with the golden trio and the Weasley twins. They played, talked, practiced spells, and literally did anything they could together.

The Marauders and the Weasley twins had planned a massive prank on Hogwarts. Havoc had been spread. Walls broken. Boundaries played with. It was something history could never wipe out of its slate and though they wouldn't know that it was the Marauders, they would remember the exchange students from a mysterious school.

That was a story for another time.

With the end of the term approaching and the exams done, students were also very excited to go back to their homes. 

The results came out on the last day of term. Harry, Ron, Sirius, Remus, and Hermione had passed every subject. Even potions. James simply laughed at them. 

"I didn't even have to give the exams!" He'd say humorously.

Gryffindor house, meanwhile, largely thanks to their spectacular performance in the Quidditch Cup, had won the House Championship for the third year running. This meant that the end-of-term feast took place amid decorations of scarlet and gold and that the Gryffindor table was the noisiest of the lot, as everybody celebrated. Even James managed to forget about time traveling back to the past the next day as he ate, drank, talked, and laughed with the rest.


"I'll miss you," Harry whispered to James, tears streaming down his face. They were in a tight embrace. Harry knew they couldn't stay; they would be endangering his father's life if they did. But he couldn't let them go either. His mum and his dad. 

Lily Evans and James Potter.

His godfather, Sirius. 

His professor, Remus.

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